kazeOT's avatar


4 Watchers10 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
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other account: :iconkazelee:

prints, stickers, etc.

Favourite Movies
star wars
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b99, bob's burgers
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
fall out boy
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bluwish's avatar

Welcome to deviantART!!
Hope you enjoy being in this community :>
kazeOT's avatar
Thank you kindly! (:
AshleyxBrooke's avatar
Hey there!  :icondawelcomewagon:

Welcome to Deviant Art :aww: hope you enjoy your time here :dummy: If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask :heart:

:bulletpink: Stop by the DAWelcomeWagon group or the #welcome chatroom to get started!
:bulletpink: I HIGHLY recommend reading this welcome journal! --> Getting Started on DeviantArt
:bulletpink:Check out dAmnHub to get involved with chat events or just to find a chat that you'd be interested in being part of  :)
:bulletpink: Check out projecteducate to keep up with projects/events on Deviant Art
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:bulletpink: Into Photography? Check out iPhotograph and photohunt
:bulletpink: Like drawing games? Check out #DoodleDare  :) 

Prepare to become addicted :iconteheplz:
