Haibane Renmei: Kuramori Departskayshasiemens on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kayshasiemens/art/Haibane-Renmei-Kuramori-Departs-367761693kayshasiemens

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Haibane Renmei: Kuramori Departs



Uploading an older piece, which I keep forgetting I have (but am still incredibly proud of). If anyone out there hasn't heard of Haibane Renmei (I hadn't, before I was commissioned), LOOK IT UP, seriously. It's quiet and understated, a little strange, and very beautiful. I didn't expect to be as affected by it as I was, or to love it as much as I do.

Those who do know the series will perhaps recognize this scene: not a scene that's ever depicted in the show, but a what-if, a lost moment, a regret. I don't want to say too much more...if you're curious, go watch it. :)
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540x900px 423.23 KB
© 2013 - 2025 kayshasiemens
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Yay for young Reki!