The 3 Beasts Kaymorin on DeviantArt

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The 3 Beasts



The wall above my desk is empty and sad :C

It needs something. A posters? A couple of pictures? Maybe a mirror? After months of looking, but never finding the right thing. I decided enough is enough. I should make my own poster. I am an "artist" after all.

Jumping between many ideas, I settled on trying to make a poster of my beloved gremlins

Naga, the always crying Boston terrier

Agurk, the giant cloud of a Norwegian forest cat

and Mango, the silk soft huntress who boss everyone around

After many trials and errors, I reached this "masterpiece" of them all. Is it perfect? No, but I am still very happy with it

After searching for a print shop that made big enough prints, waited a week or two for their printer to be fixed (it wasn't printing evenly) and finding a good frame, I finally had my poster ready to be put up on the wall. Finishing a project is rare and I felt proud.

Bean also felt proud of me and he really liked my poster. After all, its his beloved gremlins too.

So now Bean has a nice big poster over his desk

My wall is still empty and sad :')

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© 2024 - 2025 Kaymorin
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