My First Tag~

3 min read

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KayleeRea's avatar
1- You must post these rules
2- you must answer the questions the tagger set for you and create new questions for the people you tag
3- tag ten people and post their icons in the journal entry
4- got to their page and tell them you tagged them
5- no tag backs
6- No stuff like ' If your reading this you are tagged'
1) Do you like Doctor who?
Well..once I actually sit down and watch it I'll probably like it -__-

2) Which doctor is your favorite?
...I dunno.

3) What is your favorite anime?
Currently a tie between Hetalia and Fairy Tail

4) How is your favorite country from Hetalia?
Really? How dare you make me choose...uhhh *draws name out of a hat* America!

5) How long have you been on DA?
About two months! :)

6) Do you shop at Hot Topic?
Sometimes for the occastional anime shirt

7) Have you cosplayed before?
Once- I went to an anime convention as Sakura from Naruto

8) Prussia or America?
How dare you make me choose....Prussiamerica (see what i did there? Just combined their names)

9) Do you like yaoi?

10) Which pairing do you prefer: America X England or Germancest?
Neither- I don't like yaoi or incest.

2. glockgirl17
(only tagging five for now until i can come back a bit later and tag more) (and I'd post your icons if I knew how...)

Your questions!
1.What's your favorite hetro Hetalia pairing?
2.Who's your favorite band/artist
3. Have you ever been to an anime convention?
4. What Hetalia character is your least favorite?
5. Do you watch the Big Bang Theory?
6. France: Creepy or Amazing?
7. England is....(finish the sentence)
8. What's your favorite anime? (other then Hetalia)
9.Are you a fan of the Walking Dead?
10. What country would you like to visit one day?

© 2013 - 2025 KayleeRea

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SukiOneeChan's avatar
lol finally found time to do ur tag. [link]