Kayalisabanari's avatar


3 Watchers31 Deviations

Leaf by Kayalisabanari, literature

Beauty Sleep by Kayalisabanari, literature

The key master by Kayalisabanari, literature

Kashiha Masona prolouge by Kayalisabanari, literature

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  • Sep 11
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (55)
My Bio

I represent all the little highschoolers on Deviant art! i don't have professional pencils or markers...in all my pics i'm using crayola....so don't judge me! anyways i'm not in an art course or know how to photo shop or work art on the comp! so i hope u enjoy (and laugh at) my art....

I'm not a artist really, I'm more of a writer. But i try (and fail) to draw so don't kill me to much....I love manga and fantasy books! i'm not very interesting..but i love tamora pierce! i just met her! she's really sweet!

Favourite genre of music: Everything! from classical to hard rock and disney
Favourite style of art: art that shows depth and beauutiful color
Operating System: PC
MP3 player of choice: Nano
Shell of choice: Turtel?

Favourite Movies
Pirates of the Caribian
Favourite Writers
Tamora Pierce
Favourite Games
Legen of ZELDA
Other Interests
Reading and Writing

Loong Time

0 min read
Hey! Oh my god it's been so long since i've posted the last time was in december! I hope i find everyone in good health and excited  for Pesach!!! yaay! so i've improved in drawing but my scanner makes them look off and it's broken.....again soooo i have to figure somethin out. So i gotta go do work but i hope everyone has a good week! ps: num-num and Dani! come hoomeee!!
anonymous's avatar
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Hey so i know i  said no journals till end of november but i'm ahead of my wordcount for NANOWRIMO but i have over 36000 out of 50000 so it's good! XD so i just wanna say that a friend and i r gonna try to mage some sort of manga, so as soon as november is over i'll start posting sketches and stuff so stay tuned!!!
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0 min read
just got back from starkid show and it was TOTALLY AAWWEESOMEE!!! we got there at like 12:30 and the doors opened at 2:00 (half hour late) there was a huge line!!! but most of it was after us so it waz ok :D i had a girl dressed up as draco roll on the floor 4 me!!! it was soo cool!!! the best part of the evening waz when joey winked at me *squeel!!!!!* it waz totally fun even though there were no chairs and i had 2 stand for six hours :P i have some vids of the performance but they asked us 2 turn of vidios 4 the starkid part but i was pobably the only one who turned off their camera...:( but i got the last song so that waz good!! my ears...
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Profile Comments 199

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BbStarD's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav: on my Korra piece! :w00t!:
Sorcaron's avatar
Thanks for the fav! :iconromanlaplz:
da-hazard's avatar
Thanks for adding my Reconnecting Spirit to your Favourites! I really appreciate it ^^

Reconnecting Spirit by da-hazard  
faolgarg's avatar
Thanks so much for the fave!
MILExSAN's avatar
Thank you for the fave! :)
Sorcaron's avatar
Thanks for all the favs! :love:
helenchan150's avatar
Thanks for the fave!!