.:Hi I'm Daisy!:.KawaiiMewtwo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kawaiimewtwo/art/Hi-I-m-Daisy-702040380KawaiiMewtwo

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KawaiiMewtwo's avatar

.:Hi I'm Daisy!:.



Since I already drew Peachy  Peachy by KawaiiMewtwo 
I thought it would be fun if I drew Daisy to! kaomoji set 1 3/19 

I ain't the best at drawing Mario characters though...kaomoji set 1 11/19 

But,anyways,Daisy is probably my second favorite Mario princess! kaomoji set 1 15/19 I really wish she could be in more important Mario games though...for example maybe in a Mario game you can choose two sides,one is Mario's the other is Luigi's. So maybe if you choose Luigi's you could save Daisy or something and on Mario's you can save Peach! Sadly,I know this type of Mario game will never happen though....... kaomoji set 2 43/67 by megaman5000  

Anyways,I hope I did a decent drawing of Daisy!  Hamtaro Mouse Emoji-03 (Squee) [V1] by Jerikuto 

♡Check out my other Super Mario Bros. Stuff!BIS Daisy Walking Animation (Front View)Mario Party Star Rush - Princess Daisy Icon Adorable Girl Anime Emoji (Heart Dance) [V6]  
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Devinesouljah's avatar
Daisy rules and Luaisy is true OTP!

Want her in main games her only chance lies here


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