*inhale* HEY GUYSSS! HOW YA DOIN'? PRETTY GOOD, HUH? MMM, OKAY. WELL, TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY, BECAUSE... I GOT 4,200 PAGEVIEWS! (HOLY SHT WHAT A GREAT MEME) SO LETS CELEBRATE WITH A DRAWING! (which..., you've probably already seen) ANDDDDD... REQUESTS! YES, IM TAKING REQUESTS RN (becuz im DEFINETLY not bored as sht) SO COMMENT BELOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, IT COULD BE... UH... AN OBJECT, A PERSON, A CREATURE, AN... AN ANYTHING REALLY! just not... you know... let's not go there... let's not go deep down that road... ok? OKAY? YA GOT IT? WELL... SMELL YA LATER! (srry for caps, lol)
Dear, PillsEven if peppermint loves me too, I would like to say I'd take you over peppermint. Every time I see you, I just can't describe this feeling at all. I just feel... warm.. and seeing you alone... makes me feel heart wrenched, truly I love you, love you more than anything. I would like to be alone with you, just for a day. If you ever feel lonely, remember... you have me~ I'll always be here for you, even if your feeling lonely, I'm always by your side. I'd do anything for you. I would even sacrifice my life just for you.. You're perfect for me. I love you~- Palette #Odysseyofoddities #ooochallenge3