Homoflexible Lesbian FlagKatzenCoffee on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/katzencoffee/art/Homoflexible-Lesbian-Flag-845948898KatzenCoffee

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KatzenCoffee's avatar

Homoflexible Lesbian Flag



I couldn't find one with the new lesbian flag so here it is jhsv 

Homoflexible : 
Describes someone attracted primarily to members of the same sex (homosexual), but occasionally attracted to members of the opposite sex AND/OR able to derive pleasure from romantic encounters with members of the opposite sex.

Homoflexibility is related to, but different from bisexuality in that homoflex persons most often identify as gay or lesbian, despite occasional relations with members of the opposite sex.
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ZaneKingSpaceFuzzy's avatar

I think you mean bisexual with a preference for the same gender.