Kiki TributeKatWithKnives on DeviantArt

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Kiki Tribute



I adopted senior cat from a local rescue called Beyond Nine Cat Rescue Inc. She spent 6 wonderful months with me before giving into a fast developing cancer that spread to her lungs. I had to make the sad and right decision to let her go on February 22nd 2021. Its estimated she was 10 years old and she had a difficult start to life. The organization adopted her out and the person that took her in let her outside where she sustained injury to her jaw and eyes. She had 2 teeth when I brought her home and her eyelids had rolled into her eyes so she had surgery to fix the issue but it meant her eyes were constantly open (she was also partially blind due to cataracts). Due to her appearance she was often looked past for a potential home and she lived almost her whole life at the rescue. She was such a sweet old lady who had so much to give. 

I'm happy to have had her in my life even if it was brief. 

Rosemary and Gladiolus for "remembrance". 
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1010x1334px 1.01 MB
© 2021 - 2025 KatWithKnives
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