The Cell CycleKattyTheEnby on DeviantArt

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The Cell Cycle


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This is a model of the cell cycle I made for my biology class. It's meant to make the process easily understandable while still giving as many details as possible.

The graphic reads:
    1. Cell exists.
    2. Cell gets any needed resources.
    3. Cell grows.
    4. Cell checks if it is big enough to divide. (If it is, it goes to [Synthesis], otherwise it goes to [G0].)

    4.a. Cell rests and grows more.

    5. DNA is copied through synthesis.
    6. Cell checks if it was copied correctly. (If it was, it goes to [G2], otherwise it goes to [_1].)

    One of two things can happen here:
        6.a. The cell self-destructs.
        6.b. Changes all the incorrect DNA and goes back to step 6.

    7. Cell grows and prepares for [Mitosis].

    8. Cell goes into mitosis until complete.

I hope this was easy to understand.
If you have any further questions, ask in the comments! :)
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1710x1910px 1019.99 KB
© 2023 - 2025 KattyTheEnby
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looks kinda like brian from family guy

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