Storenvy and Etsy Open!

3 min read

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Kattling's avatar
Se by Kattling

Okay, so I don't know why, but I'm really nervous about this. ^^; Basically the charms and stickers are now available on Storenvy and Etsy!
The Kickstarter was a huge success - there's over 20 designs now (excluding the 10+ campaign exclusives!) and they're available on either of the sites! Not only that, but the next ten orders will receive a random pin badge, absolutely free!

Se1 by KattlingSe2 by Kattling
Se3 by KattlingUntitled-1 by Kattling
Ses by KattlingBadges by Kattling

I'm still learning how to use them both, but it seems a few of you already found me, and fear not - I know how to work them well enough to send out the orders. >w< But I will be polishing them after Christmas, and seeing what I want the next project to be!

I want to thank everyone who made this a reality. Thank you to Mousey, Data-bull, The Creative Fund, Fooljamable, ChiPolVeeGemberkoekje, Elsa, fireR0b, Raven Roth, AnchoremiPhyreflieCatherine and MacSolsin, Kokiri, Dres-ay, GhosttrickMary, Katie, IneluctablCutie, Rebecca MylesChikoritaPropaganda, NSP-Rulez6969 (you thought I wouldn't!), Elliot TNina S, Mythos, RayneDays13, Evybenita, AjuveOrPenguinAmyztoyUnderhandCandy, dee_tijaniFera2010, TanginelloJohn Mc Moose, Pat from Pallet TowntonyqmetalgabuJardras, PikamilleJohn Mackay, Chibicorporationemilyk82, Napalm CandyPrincessXTiaMary StewartVincAshton PleskaczewskiRicky, TehPwnagePie, BouncyBob54, and Nizzer.
It's truly been an honour.

© 2018 - 2025 Kattling
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AmHawkins93's avatar
The stickers look great, just bought some. I do wait for deliveries to get here.