katrasaiyan's avatar


Kitty-Chan ^_^
1 Watcher106 Deviations
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

I'm addicted to in the food group = ramen, sugar, giant lollipops, and slushies. My dream is to have a meal consisting only of ramen, slushies, and giant lollipops.
I have over 12,000 regular books and close to 400 manga books and growing in my collection.
I've turned over 32,626 people over to the dark side.
T my loveable friend turned to the dark side for a cookie.
I have never truly recovered my true eviliness since then.

Current Residence: CAVE LAND
Favourite genre of music: Classical
Operating System: Desktop computer
Wallpaper of choice: SASUNARU
Favourite cartoon character: NARUTO

Favourite Visual Artist
Masashi Kishimoto, Akira Toriyama, Matsuri Hino
Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Mostly just anime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
The cat who went to heaven
Favourite Games
DDR, Pokemon, Dragon Quest, Action, mostly RPGs
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Evilism, Writing
Other Interests
Kitty: I'm still alive if anybody cares. T: I care about you Kitty-chan. Kitty: I know that. Dobe: We don't count do we? Kitty: Yes, you do too count even Teme even though he won't admit it. I'm talking about the people online. T & Dobe: Oh! Kitty: Right, now back to what I was saying.-AWKWARD SILENCE-Kitty: Does anybody remember what I was going to say? Teme: Dear god help us. -rubs his temples out of frustration- I'll say it. Kitty: YAY! -glomping no jutsu on Teme- I adore you. Teme: What ever! -shrugs Kitty-chan off of him- Right. Kitty-chan will now being posting pictures, writings, and drawings on her deviantart account once again. T:...
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Kitty: YAY! I FINALLY LIVE ON MY OWN. IN MY OWN APARTMENT. Teme: You'll be moving again in less than a month. Kitty: DAMN IT!!! Teme: -shakes hid head- Will you ever stop moving around? Kitty: When I get my own house that has five bedrooms 1.5 bathrooms and no big windows. Teme: That would take forever to find and save up for. Can't you go with something smaller. Kitty: NEVER! Teme: Oivey! Kitty: Now where are they? -looks around the place- Teme: Where are who? -the sound of thunder is heard followed by an earthquake- Zero: GET AWAY FROM ME. -runs by Kitty & Teme- Nga: NEVER! -is chasing Zero- Teme: Who the hell are you they? Kitty: -stops...
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0 min read
RV = RUINED VACATION PBC = PEOPLE BEING CRUEL CBUOY = COMPUTERS BLOWING UP ON YOUKitty: My computer died and I had to drag my old one I used in College down from the attic. I'm now going to invest in a very brand NEW laptop. Flora: Yes peoples. Kitty chan is OLD. Kitty: I'm not even close to being 25 yet and your already pass that age. T: And very intelligent. Kitty: I said NO COOKIE! T: Wahhhhaaaaaaaaaaa! -starts crying- Dobe: That was no fun at all. Kitty: You be quite. -does the evil monkey from Family Guy- Dobe: O_O -cowers in a corner- Kitty: I thought those two or so weeks could not get worse. I was wrong. -looks at Dobe- Explain abo...
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katrasaiyan's avatar
What is Skyezine?
TheMangaPit's avatar
:wave: It's been awhile since my last visit. How ya doin?
TheMangaPit's avatar
Thanks a lot for the :+fav: :D. I'm glad you liked it.
katrasaiyan's avatar
Your welcome. You got awesome skills when it comes to special effects.
TheMangaPit's avatar
Thanks again :D, you're acually the first to tell me that...I feel flattered. If you ever want to keep up with my work or my updates, don't be afraid to hit the watch button.
katrasaiyan's avatar
Your welcome again. Oh! YAY! I totally will. :w00t: =D