Futurecast - PitayaKatjakay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katjakay/art/Futurecast-Pitaya-500650005Katjakay

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Futurecast - Pitaya



Just over a year ago, Mattsma and I decided to declare 2014 the Year of Teresa Wentzler, I was just starting a huge piece of hers and it seemed like a good idea. Now I new I wouldn't finish my BAP in 2014 but I had hoped to do a smaller Wentzler as well, so I did it I just left it to the last minute.  This is Futurecast, lovingly renamed Pitaya by Carla.
Futurecast is a freebie patterns from Wentzler's website and encourages you to play with the colours, so I did, because everyone needs a pink dragon at some point in their lives

3 1/2 X 5 on 32ct Twighlight Blue Belfast Linen.
10 colours DMC 
2 colours Krenick
2 colours beads

Changes made to pattern - pretty much everything, all new colours I chose to base the dragon around pink as I thought it would looks nice on the pretty grey fabric I bought in a scrap bin at a craft store in Williams Lake. Also you don't see many pink dragons. I used a white metallic for the crystal ball, and then the same metallic in the crest and tail, which was supposed to be the same metallic as the wings, but since I used such a dark metallic there (which is now my favorite metallic colour ever) I didn't think it suited the tail as much as the white did. I also used blending filament in the yellow area of the wings just to add even more sparkle. 
To be honest I had originally planed to either change the border or eliminate it entirely, I wasn't fond of it, but my mother saw the pattern and loved the border so it had to stay. So I made changes, I did not backstitch it to make it a bit subtler, and I did not use beads I wanted all the bling to be on the dragon, but something had to go where the beads were and since so many people use beads instead of french knots I decided to do the reverse, though I recently discovered that when teaching myself how to do french knots, I accidentally taught myself colonial knots instead, but I'm good with that. I blended the lightest and darkest colours of the dragon to make the knots 

This is my entry to the :iconstitchingpirates: Myths and Legends contest.  As a judge I can not compete, but I can participate cause it's fun. The history of dragons is long and complex and world wide.  Pitaya here is definitely an European style dragon, but I think she's too pretty to fight St George. I did find this write up on Pink Dragons on the Dragon Cave Wiki

"It's bright. And pink."

"Aww... it's a cute baby dragon."

Mature Hatchling
"Aww... it's a cute baby dragon. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing."

"Pink dragons are primarily herbivores, and only eat meat during the mating season, when mates will exchange kills. When it is not breeding season, pink dragons spend most of their time incubating eggs and caring for their clan's young. Due to their feminine color, it was traditionally thought that pink dragons were a strictly female breed, but this is not true."

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© 2014 - 2025 Katjakay
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Nocturnaliss's avatar
That is oh so cute ^^ very well done!