Hey, Can you do Rei Hino (Sailor Moon) Cosplaying Ronnie Anne Santiago (The Loud House/The Casagrandes), Please?
Rei Hino (Character):
Ronnie Anne Santiago (Outfit):
Thank you for the watch!!
I'm very pleased to hear that my art has been noticed!
You're welcome
I can't find words good enough to describe how beautiful i think your art is. I love it!
Thank you! :_D 💜💜💜
Magical art <3
This is queen EL_LUNA3 of the deviantArt fortress!!!
Who is here to bestowed you with blessing from the most ethereal realm!!!
The deviantArt community is stunned by your talent and shall make the community more fun and colorful!!!
My ethereal beings would be delighted if you would take a glance of their luscious stunning beauty and art!!!
For I am Queen EL-LUNA3 the Creator and Goddess of all ethereal creatures!!!