Weira and Zandenkaterinaaqu on DeviantArt

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Weira and Zanden


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Arranged with Tudors Dress up Game by Azaleas Dolls

Remember my previous devitation here:… and remember I told you there is not enough Escanor related art out there. There is barely any Weira art and almost no Zanden art at all. In fact there is not even one mention of his appearance in the comics and only one in the anime/TV Series. Thankfully :iconyararts2: created a really sweet version of his in her account:
And so I wanted to make a quick one for him as well.

Weira's and Zanden's outfits were inspired by the series The Tudors, and it is the moment 0:26-2:00 in this video compilation:…
This outfit in there I think has little to no historical accuracy for the Tudors times however I found it rather interesting to think that the Meridian people would wear stuff like those! :D I had to improvise a bit, especially with her puffy sleeves, because there were not enough choices in the dress up game to create this result but I guess it came out alright ^^; In the series Anne Boleyn tries to breastfeed her daughter Elizabeth and Henry prevents her from doing so because "queens don't do that" and gave her back to her wetnurse.
Taking this under consideration :iconyararts2: and I came to the conclusion that this could happen to Meridian as well just flipping it in gender (and here is where our ideas for nunnies and wetnurses came out also remembering Galgheita's/Rundolf's role in the series/comics and she created Cybele… ) anyways, we decided though that it is possible that Weira did breastfeed her daughter, creating even greater hatred to Phobos for his mother and sister, and so I remembered that dress from the Tudors, so weird for a historical series but I found it fitting for an alien planet and so I thought that Weira would order a dress that would give her easy acess to her breast for her daughter as well as to hide any temporary imperfection to her figure, coming from her pregnancy and birth. Naturally the hair net apart from being fashionable in certain times in Middle Ages, prevents her hair from falling to her face and bothering the baby or preventing the baby from grabbing her hair in the process. I added some jewels and rings to her fingers.
Anyways you can imagine something similar to the one of the series for her to wear. I just did my best to re-create that.

Now why the angle? Well I wanted to show their height difference. You see if someone sees the comics version and a little bit of the animated version, Weira doesn't appear to be taller than her daughter!
So I imagined that Elyon took her small size from her mother while Phobos took his great height from his father. So yeah I tried to give an illusion of height difference here.

Anyways a little random something and perhaps part of the Valentine's Day thing (don't worry I will post a proper love thing when time arrives! ;P) since this couple is rather controversal in many ways! Stay tuned for our project to find out what's going on between them!

Please visit :iconyararts2:'s profile to see her pictures!
Zanden (as presented here) belongs to :iconyararts2:
W.I.T.C.H. belongs to Disney
Dolls belong to Azaleas Dolls
Plot and stories of them belong to :iconkaterinaaqu: and :iconyararts2:
Image size
800x600px 145.1 KB
© 2020 - 2025 katerinaaqu
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