NYP Neapolitan Taffy Pokemon(2/3 open)katamariluv on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katamariluv/art/NYP-Neapolitan-Taffy-Pokemon-2-3-open-1152581165katamariluv

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katamariluv's avatar

NYP Neapolitan Taffy Pokemon(2/3 open)



To adopt these Pokemon, who are based on these candies: https://www.amazon.com/Neapolitan-Taffy-Candy-Mix-Strawberry/dp/B0DFYZ4WT1/?_encoding=UTF8&ref_=pd_wlh&pd_rd_w=yYbiw&content-id=amzn1.sym.8204b485-11a7-46e5-99d6-924574f6f1b2&pf_rd_p=8204b485-11a7-46e5-99d6-924574f6f1b2&pf_rd_r=PDWQ2YYWCWR2PFM8KEAC&pd_rd_wg=eKXpm&pd_rd_r=11fdbb5f-35e9-4f61-ab3c-9090e2d3c0f4 please offer a price. Each may be payed for via my commissions box.

No price below 60, please. Accommodations can be made if needed.

1. Chocolate Rowlet (Ground/Fighting type; her name is Cocoa), adopted by @JetjetJ

2. Vanilla Litten (Ice type; his name is Vince)

3. Strawberry Popplio (Fairy/Grass type; her name is Fresa)

Please give them a good home!

Pokemon is property of Nintendo.

Brand property of its original owner.

Style from @sonarpos

Stamps from @Red--Roses @redheadstock and @arkaya

Image size
2015x846px 327.15 KB
© 2025 katamariluv
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JetjetJ's avatar

Could I get Cocoa for 80 pts?