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Made by the PhiphiAuThon
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Under the aspects of understanding By the Chronicles of Miracle the dividing categories of Magic and Thaumic expression is set by One (Magic) interacting and directly influencing the probability of quantum reality and altering it by the individuals accord. Where as the other (Thaumaturgy) sees the Holistic aspects of the universe and expands the attributes of reality by awareness and thus Maligning higher dimensions with our own. These two give rise to what often is found to be 8 fluctuating categories Time, Space, Alchemy, Energy, Nature, Spirit, Mind Conflict.

Each of these aspect fluctuate some either being semi thaumic and magic others being purely one or the other and it is best to view these aspects more as sides of a same coin rather than opposites. But to simplify we will now look at each one categorically

#Space:  The womb of space and the foreground of any action always remains on the dimensional plane you exist on. Those who know the path of higher dimensions know well the shift between plains and either defines their boundaries or enjoys the fact that all reality is abstract. Being able to sense the multitude of timelines they are very good at systemic thinking and will be able to gather a sense of how things are going even if they can't seen the end goal of where everything is likely to end. Though most seek shamans of time to see their future if you want to know the path you're currently on seek a mage of space. Though if you want even more to change your destiny perhaps you can ask them to change your place.
 { MO(modus operendi) abilities[teleportation, 2D manipulation  Size manipulation, remote movement (think telekinesis), wormhole creation, sensory prediction, spatial storage, summoning/banishment, data void]}

#Time: Standing as the Piercing seed of existence Those who lord of the machinations of time have extreme forethought and control over acceleration. As Time stands as a River many seek to alter its flow tossing pebbles to divert it. Warily those who control time can see the end goal of the future but not always the path and may often loose sight of an important detail needed to obtain the future. But when altering the past which is often impossible, except under specific conditions, Time manipulators know just what boulders to divert times stream though this does not come without its dangers. Yet it is worth the trial for those who preserve through the ages that are granted Fates' Love
{MO Abilities[ acceleration, varying precognition, chronically teleportation(synthetic teleportation), magic/physical reflection, stasis, mana nullification, universal push/pull, temporal restoration, temporal flux, omitted data]}

#Energy: The forefront of understanding any attribute is energy not only turning it on but also off. Energists understand the aspects of 1 & 0 and easily express it by turning on the lights or turning them off. In the majority of worlds and timelines the Energist is the most culturally accepted magician or sage since their powers spring up more immediate than others. Fairly common in most Fae(elvish) races the majority of them seek the mastery of one or more of what they "cough" prescribe as the five "cough" elements "cough" of energy. Being Ice, Fire, Lightening, Light, and Shadow(Darkness). But besides their 'elegant' airs of knowledge a true mage knows this is not the full extent of Energy a prime example as the use of light to alter space for teleportation. Many of these Energists have the power to 'Charge' anyone let alone themselves to break the chains of Fate. But many examples of history have often seen cults, religious sects and military regimes indoctrinating them and using them as tools to garner their rule. 
{MO Abilities [ cyrokinesis, pyrokinesis,  elctrokinesis, light manipulation, shadow manipulation, energetic healing, force-fields, radiation, kinetic pulse/shielding, many unexplored specialties due to unoriginality]}

#Alchemy(material states): Substance and Form sets the tone and quality for all. To the Alchemist they hold saw over the states of matter being solids, liquids, vapors, plasma and many aspects in between such as combustion sublimation and precipitation. Some may question what is the difference between an Energist wielding fire and an Alchemist and that would simply be that an Enegist can generate any degree of heat but can also be burnt while an Alchemist can generate flames will only burn what they desire. Another issue between them is that Energists have issues with liquids and particulate matter since controling the wind requires a degree of balance that most Energist lack. Many Alchemists are often shunned and ridiculed in their early stages only to be hailed with honors as an invaluable resource for any country in their later ones  doing everything from stabilizing an economy or generating the Crystal needed for concentrating an Energizer's barrier to save town from a meteor. The Alchemist requires study of chemistry and physical measurements as they transmute materiel. transmutation occurs via the use of symbolic matrices that are emergent  from the certain universal/mathematical principles to hybridize the weak-nuclear force with their own electromagnetism. However many Alchemist are able to alter these symbols by varying degrees and keep most of their concoctions hidden by secret code which often isn't very helpful as it persists with the idea of shady dealings, like love potions or false gold, and in keeping other budding alchemists impoverished. 
{MO Abilities [ (Basically think FMA) Electro alchemy(molds substances shape), Elemental alchemy(fire water wind earth), Pheromone manipulation(lust/love potions), Chimera creation, Transmutation(ie lead to gold), slight to varying genetic alteration, data classified]}

#Spirit (Death): The aspect of Spirit or Death falls into many lines. But is often understood as something betwixt energy and matter as the Condensate. Holding both qualities of matter and energy Alchemists prefer to consider it the Prime Material a 0th form of matter. It stands as a substance, if you could call it that, holding microscopic quantum traits upon a macroscopic scale. To call it small and fragile is an understatement since you could barely find an atoms worth within millions upon millions of x millions of atoms and light is all you need to shatter it. Yet because of its macroscopic Quantum Non-locality every portion of the Condensate resides both in its singular location and everywhere else. It is thus considered the Animus within all material between all dimensions and by some proof that the universe is merely illusion or a hologram. Many Shamans of primitive tribes speak of spirits and though evidence has been shown of their existence the vast majority of anything considered a spirit could only be described as something akin to protozoa. Ghosts are rare giving off derivatives of condensate known as ecto-plasma the few considerations only reside in the spectral and/or astral planes. The later being a multi layered hodgepodge realm of the mind, spirit, and conflict betwixt emotions and forms; and the former a dull or slightly twisted reflection of their material planes. Otherwise without certian conditions no spirit can manifest in the material plane. Those who can control spirit are often able to give form to energy or force objects and the dead to animate but most of spectral applications are rather shunned in many societies. As far there are only a few known attributes (celestial, infernal, nen, lex, yin, yang, holy, damn)
{MO Abilities [ Ethereal shift, Zombie creation, Ghost Limbs, Specter creation, Astral projection, Spectral movement, Temporary shift of energy to matter, Imbuing spectral attributes on objects, Data lost]} 

#Nature: The aspect of Nature is easily summed up by the energy and reactions of natural systems, biochemistry and life. Common in some Fae races and certain categories of monsters those who control nature have some slight influence of the weather but mainly alter the aspects of life itself. Either extending life, controlling fertility or virility, many control healing and growth and often apply their powers to plants or alter the size of their own limbs temporally. In the Honest opinion of this Analysts, Which Is Totally not Aunu,  there is nothing much to say about Naturalists; besides a warning of Shapeshifters. Being able to mimic nearly any creature they gain a variety of powers and immunities. Granting them ability to hide and garner fear and wide appraisal that only ends with victims of tentacle violation. It is best to Run and cover ones rear and clench tightly if you ever meet one. Druids of Nature can also (Data corrupted due to Tentacle Violation(TV) PTSD) thus making them useful in most situations. 
{MO Abilities [ Genetic Alteration, Cloning, data loss via T.V. PTSD Corruption, Physical/Mental corruption, data loss via T.V. PTSD Corruption, Slight weather control, Slight earthquake control, Plant manipulation, data loss via T.V. PTSD Corruption, Life-extension, blood/humor alteration, Shapeshifting, data loss via T.V. PTSD Corruption]}

#Mind: The Mentalist often prescribe that all magic is dwelt from the mind. Since Magic and Thaumaturgy is often developed through illusions of fractal simulations alluding to one to ones higher nature or higher dimensions its often pushed that in worlds without the pan-dimensional particles vis, mana, or nul  that the mentalist is the strongest of them all and by proper application by theory could generate magic and miracle by pure illusion of ones own mind. Yet most mentalist often lack a good degree of respect often pushed around like nerds by bullies on a playground. They do have their defenses and are able to be master manipulators confusing ones mind and taking control of their opponents body. And they play many high roles in society as they enchant weapons and items with lay-lines to direct energy. Alchemist and Energist must work in tandem with them to create the most marvelous luxuries such as air-conditioners, sonic swords, or boots that prevent fall damage. Not only that but if you desire to learn a new skill or power that you're weapon or item does a mentalist can teach you to obtain that attribute though the practice is something they're often hesitant due to the exercise. Sure you can bully them but they could end up turning you into a slave by hypnosis later as they expose you  in certain conditions unable to move your body without the accordance of their will my my whatever would they do to you.
{MO Abilities [ Hypnosis/Mindcontrol, Illusionary projection, Sensory reversal(i.e. moves left hand when you meant right), Enchantment, Mind reading, Slight degrees of telekinesis, Learn Skill, Virtual Reality creation, Omitted data]} 

#Conflict: Is often consider the precepts of Change and Upheaval, Domination and submission. Many who hold the power of Conflict are indeed warlords bash in their shields with mace over a mountain of bodies. However there are as many peacekeepers within such power too often removing the desire for anyone to fight. Conflict presides not just over physical strength but emotions as well. Which despite what many alchemists will tell you a salesman or economists of conflict will prove that emotions are the true generator of value. Also to the Bane of the Mentalists despite considering themselves Masters of Manipulation a creature who controls the infliction of emotions can do far worse than bend your mind. They can make you fall in love with them. This along with many concerns of warlord dictators and succubus rulers is why one should be wary over a battle with such powers. 
{MO Abilities [ Enhanced Strength, Motivation, Intimidation, Seduction, Charisma, Innate Skill, Despair, Weaken Strength, Gains energy/strength from battle or arguments(don't feed the troll), data release still in discussion]}                                                                                                                      
 Though these two views tend to seem completely opposed; as if one were mechanic reductively altering singular parts of a machine vs that of an organism emerging as a whole greater than the sum of its parts.  It is not impossible that there are some individuals who can contain both by duality. Such creatures include varied celestials, daemons, dragons, faeries, sphinx, higher order mages, and a host of other exotic flora and fauna.  

A small Preset of the Kerubim they are naturally a moderate to small grade celestial. But don't take them as naturally good the Kerubim by many religions are a mix being the ones to create or destroy kingdoms. As some religions preclude; they were guardians of the "One's"  garden. Which had several aspects, but one of the main themes, was that they were meant to do were to take souls or uncleaned vestals and wash them in the primordial waters to feed the tree of life. 

Though this is a nice image research shows that the Primodial waters by many symbolical aspects of esoteric mysticism is considered the void the tree of life is also something thats been spread as a representation of the many vibrations or aspect of the world from varying mythologies. Keeping a long story short the Kerubim take unclean souls or daemons, toss them to be erased into the void, which is consider a prospect of absolute chaotic potential, and use such actions to create new worlds or attributes of existence. The scene suggest that should one meet these creatures either they will ensure you come to your full potential or they will likely absorb your soul for what they consider a higher order. 
Though not always fully recognizing their potential it is not uncommon to see a sphinx with mastery over 4 attributes and moderate strength in every other. Aunu Belthar stands as a prime example of a young Sphinx. Being well versed in Temporal, Mental and Alchemical assets He may have allowed some degrees of his natural and spiritual inclinations go neglected as he harnessed Plasma Energy to increase his overall magical reserves with the idea of "Unlimited" power, that may or may not have panned out. Taking to varying degrees of research he has many outfits, weapons and states of mind he uses to change his fighting style to keep enemies on their toes. Granted though he would not be considered an amateur in sword play it would be honest to say he may rely a bit too much on magic and strategy rather than develop his skill. He also has often found himself all too easily bothered with arguments meant to incite him and can "cough" find a rather tepid weakness for "cough" carnal "cough" desires not that he'd go after just any girl or guy that happen to look good...
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