Nowadays the only reason for me to update my journal is boredom, and that is why it's filled up with tags, and quizzes... Bear with me! D:
I know I already did this one, but it was a year and a half ago, and as I went through it I realised how much my answers have changed...~
Anyways, here it goes.1. Name: Catalina
2. Nickname: Everybody just calls me 'Cata'.
3. Birthday: November 20th
4. Place of Birth: Santiago, Chile.
5. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
6. Male or Female: Female.
7. Education: I'm a senior, now!
8. Schools you went to: VMA
9. Occupation: Student
10. Residence: Santiago, Chile, again.
11. Screen Names: Kasumi the Banana and C...