Ragnarok: Jormungandr vs. EyjafjallKarura-Art on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/karura-art/art/Ragnarok-Jormungandr-vs-Eyjafjall-460753345Karura-Art

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Ragnarok: Jormungandr vs. Eyjafjall



Yes, another one :P This is also an entry to :iconshadeofshinon: 's contest. Because my previous entry was quite sereen and calm, I wanted to do an action piece as a second entry. And  O M G this was so much work! I didn't count the hours, but there were a lot of them. Yet again I cheated, because the sky is a photograph :P The water is all mine though! It was a real challenge, but I'm really glad about the outcome n.n

The Myth;; Ragnarök
Ragnarök is a Norse Myth about the end of the world. It was foretold that the walls of Asgard would crumble and a lot of Gods would die. One of the battles was between the World Serpent en Thor, eventually killing each other. Ofcourse Jorry was my Serpent, but I actually wanted to use Thorn as Thor. His armour was way to complex for me and it really didn't work with the pose, so I had to use another character. At first I was tobbing between Gis and Fenrir, but then my eyes went to Eyjafjall. Her strong character and build fitted the bill perfectly, so I was like: why not?

So I hope you all enjoy it!

Sky: fav.me/d25qi7j
Sea tutorial: fav.me/d63ow3o

Jormungandr & Eyjafjall (c) :iconshadeofshinon:
Artwork (c) Me.
Image size
1000x1198px 1.79 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Karura-Art
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Kamikam70's avatar
I was commenting all your recent artworks that I didn't have time to comment, and then I saw this on the right. It reminded me of Shinon's contest, that I really appreciated to draw for, and I remembered that I really liked this artpiece.
And then I wondered why it was in the suggestions.
And then again I saw it was yours.
And then finally I thought "HOW STUPID AM I".
Basically, to sum it up, I already thought you were great before even talking to you and really following your art. So many congratulations for this art, really. The water is amazing, the characters' stances are awesome, and the overall feeling is perfect.