Deviation Actions
i think i’ll incorporate these headcanons into my AU. Since discord and the royal sisters are long living, godlike beings in equestria, i imagine that they grew up together and originally got along before discord turned evil. it’s fun to think that celestial and discord were once romantically involved at some point in their youth. i don’t think that i’ll create a next gen for them since that would make things a bit messy with discord’s betrayal and all, but i think that a history where they all once got along together would explain why celestial knew that discord could be reformed and specifically gave the mane six a mission to do so, and why she hadn’t considered it for any other villain. it could not be easy at all to turn your friend and former lover to stone, and then banish your own sister to the moon not so long after. both developments would certainly be devastating. oh yeah also this is a prototype au design for tia i might tweak it a bit more. next up is some headshots for her and luna.