(1) Balsamus Capitulo 00KarolyneRocha on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/karolynerocha/art/1-Balsamus-Capitulo-00-1124801320KarolyneRocha

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(1) Balsamus Capitulo 00



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Balsamus "O lobo de um olho só" [The one-eyed wolf] - book 01 , it was recently published by the "produtora CB" produtoracb.com/ in July 2023 by an independent comics. The entire project was carried out through collective financing.

So for those of you who like good historical fiction, and in the public context, this story is for you!

'In a period where tyranny ruled the world, the hope for freedom did not seem to be something real, the absence of a voice that declared victory against Roman rule forced the people of the Middle East to look for alternatives to keep their families and cultures alive, among them, Reithan, prince of the kingdom of Anraabi and general of skilled warriors, the Kayhans. Raised very strictly by his father, he became a callous and ruthless man. Affected by a terrible curse, Reithan constantly struggles with questions in his heart and the traumas accumulated in his history, forcing him to go on a journey in search of the lost balm, which can heal physical and spiritual wounds."


We recently got the comic published by a major Brazilian publisher. But it's still too early for an English release. Our new publishing house is Thomas Nelson, part of the Harper Collins group! And we're very happy because there have been many positive comments about the story, the creation of the universe and the characters.

And I really want to devote myself fully to the project, so that it can be released more quickly!

So I'm making some pages of the comic available here. For now, the translation is being done amateurishly, and I apologize for that, because a translator is very expensive, and we want to leave this work to the publisher! But I worked on the translation, and I really hope you like it!

If you care about my work, and would like to support me in any way, you can leave a tip via ko-fi or subscribe to my patreon (which is still under construction).

Thanks in advance, and updates soon <3

You can check out more at this link: balsamuscomic.carrd.co/

L I N K S - karolynerocha.carrd.co

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📧 NOTE or E-MAIL - karolyneart@gmail.com

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