Chase carefully rolled the futon and stashed it in the closet, making room to place down a low table in the center of the floor. Tamas fluffed a cushion for Chrissy, who had just woken from her daytime nap. She groggily pulled herself up to the table and rested her cheek on it.
“I’m thirsty,” she complained. Already anticipating her needs, Chase brought the girl a glass of water, but she just wrinkled her nose at it. “Where’s my juice? I wan’ juice!” Tamas knelt down beside her to rub her back.
“Honey, we are guests here. We can’t just open the refrigerator and have anything we like. We must wait for the kind innkeepers to bring us our tea.”
It had been nearly a week since the space-time anomaly appeared around Raccolto, transporting its residents to a distant past. Suddenly, the Kene-Galloway family was homeless, lost in a world that was very different from the one they knew.
As a family with young children, the people of this ancient Raccolto graciously offered them one of the
~ Share the Love ~
Feature Meme
Go to the inventory and randomly select a member of Harvest-Lunatone.
This member should not be a close friend, you already pile them in love!
Cruise their gallery and find your 3 favorite pieces to feature in this journal!
(Optional) Include a short comment on each piece to make the person feel extra fuzzy!
(Optional) Try to feature at least one visual artwork, and one written work.
(Optional) Include a feature of the person who featured you!
. . . . . . . . . . . .
, I choose you!
LOOK AT THIS FLOATING POSE!!! I love it~ The effects on his hands and the pie are wonderful too!
Again I love the poses Aqua does they are just really well built and dynamic!
The light in this piece makes me so happy~ I tend to struggle over lighting so seeing it done so well is a treat~
I tag:
EEVEE [/] You can easily adapt to any changes that may come your way
[/] You have been underestimated because of your size
[♥] You are the shortest member of your family and/or group of friends
[ ] You are, or have been called, naive/childish
[ ] You prefer living in the city or suburban neighborhoods over country or rural towns w/ lots of land but less people
[ ] People have told you "you have a lot of potential"
[♥] You are more of a tomboy/masculine type of person
[ ] You make friends easily, and enjoy being around people
[♥] You get called "cute" more than any other compliment
[♥] You have been called: different/unstable/irregular/s...
This will be a countdown of your top favorite Pokemon by generation. There are so many to choose from, can you narrow them down to five? Feel free to give a simple list, or something with a bit more explanation! Generation 1 -- Kanto Region1. Eevee2. Arcanine3. Vulpix4. Bulbasaur5. CuboneGeneration 2 -- Johto Region1. Celebi2. Furret3. Bellossom4. Murkrow5. HoundourGeneration 3 -- Hoenn Region
1. Flygon2. Ralts3. Absol4. Mudkip5. DuskullGeneration 4 -- Sinnoh Region
1. Leafeon2. Lucario3. Buneary4. Togekiss5. RoseradeGeneration 5 -- Unova Region
1. Leavanny2. Emolga3. Oshawott4. Yamask5. SawsbuckGeneration 6 -- Kalos Region
1. Phantump2. P...