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This gallery is really here so that I can view the works of others, but if you have time to look I really appreciate it. I'd really like to continue growingso I definitely appreciate feedback or comments.
As for myself and the obligatory comments about me:
I used to do a little graphic design work before Medical School, and I miss that part of my life. Still do a little illustration for papers, journals, presentations, and websites but for the most part my day job is medicine. Being more of an illustrator, photography is new for me and I now have tremendous respect for those who make their living doing it (very hard). I've lived in San Francisco, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo, as well as the Central Valley of CA, and still wander all over the state...also had a brief stint in Afghanistan (I was formerly a Neurologist for the US Navy) which is a bit of a long story.
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