kArA-Redwing's avatar


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Crenulation-0, Assemblage I by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-1, Do I Lock It? by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-2, Wall Flowers by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-3, Imperfection by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-4, Outer Crust by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-5, Hunting by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-6, The Advisor by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-7, Denise by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-8, Assemblage II by kArA-Redwing, literature

Crenulation-9, The Tantrum by kArA-Redwing, literature

See All
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Pride2020: Participated in Pride2020
Hype: You got hyped up! (5)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
#PluralityOfPride: Participated in Pride Month 2018
BHM2021: Participated in Black History Month 2021 campaign
My Bio

I'm a jack-of-all-trades into science, art, anatomy, story writing, world building, and music, and I'm here to work on my story and original comic, AnK. Not sure how to get me talking? Tell me about your interests, and especially your original stories! I'm pretty down to earth and chill most of the time, so feel free to critique my art, story, concepts, whatever and I'm happy to return the favor.

Intro to Arecace | Comic Pages | Worldbuilding

Please note: I have little tolerance for bullshit. LGBT+, ya'll are welcome to hang. Atheists/Christians/Muslims/Ect, ya'll are welcome to hang. Black/White/Hispanic/Ect, ya'll are welcome to hang. Whatever the hell niches you belong to, ya'll are welcome to hang... as long as we're all respecting one another, we can all get on just fine. On that same note, just like how I accept criticism, I accept being told I'm not doing things right in regards to being understanding or tolerant. If I'm unwittingly being an asshole, please call me out on it. It's hard to know your own ignorance.

INTJ Stamp by JFG107-Stamps Music is my life by zeddy88 Different Stamp by DeviantDuality vague stamp is vague by Aphose Didn't Read Stamp by JFG107-Stamps Sarcasm Stamp by tailfeather Stamp: Google by ArtByFlan Typo Stamp by popstck Intelligence by stampystampy Science by stampystampy anatomy stamp by boneworks Don't Be Afraid Stamp by SparkLum Ideas are bulletproof - stamp by HtB-stamps Villains Stamp by Spikytastic Original Characters Stamp by Stamp221 Stamp - Read Me by karinelips Rain + Nature Love Stamp by smileystamps Carpe Noctem Stamp by KovoWolf Support Halloween stamp by DeviantSith Vampire V stamp by DeviantSith Golden Retriever Stamp by Muttie Pixel Art Supporter by SquallxZell-Leonhart Stamp - No Support by stop-tracing Thx but no Thx 5 by SkullLicked

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Innerpartysystem, BUCK-TICK, Zeromancer, Method Cell, Pierce the Veil
Favourite Writers
Anne Rice, Sergei Lukyanenko, Patricia Highsmith
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Pen and PaintshopPro X (yeah, the original)
Other Interests
SCIENCE, German, Programming, Food

Profile Comments 1.3K

anonymous's avatar
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SpaceCastaway's avatar
Noctince's avatar
Happy birthday doc! Hope you had a great day~ :D
kArA-Redwing's avatar
Thanks!  Was definitely crazy... this whole weekend has been crazy.  SO many things going on!
ranasan's avatar
Happy Successful Solar Orbit Doctor!
kArA-Redwing's avatar
Time to start another one.
spikethehated1's avatar
Happy Birthday, Chikara! :):):)