Favourite Visual Artist
Kentaro Miura
Favourite Movies
The labyrinth, Gladiator, Terminator 1y 2 , y muchas mas -.- amo la ciencia ficcion
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lacrimosa, Moonspell, Hyde, Larc en ciel, Dir en gray,Malice mizer, Within temptation, Yoko Kanno
Favourite Writers
Kentaro Miura (haha), Garcia marquez, Lovecraft, Poe.
Favourite Games
DAO, mass efect 1 y 2 XD hehe WoW ^^ horde -- Zelda: Ocarina of time
Favourite Gaming Platform
play station, pc
Tools of the Trade
plumas, compu y lo ke este a la mano
Other Interests
Anime, Games, etc