l sean bienvenidos a mi DA gracias por su Watchers espero le guste mis diseños nwn l mi nombre es verónica me gusto editar y dibujar no soy que digamos sociable owo)/ me encanta el anime (pero mas el yaoi
Favourite Visual Artist
Old先 ,
Favourite Movies
terror en silent hill,terror en la calle elm, AMIGOS,Hachi
Favourite TV Shows
ouo casi todos pero mas de investigación o caricaturas
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightcore ,kenshi ,perfumen,kanaboom y muchas mas :,v <3 <3
Favourite Books
ouo no leo mucho
Favourite Games
los de mesa ?
Other Interests
ouo me encanta comer ,dibujar,mirar mucho y pensar
holis como an estado disculpen mi ausencia a qui es que no e tenido interne asta ahorita y aun nose asta cuando vuelva mientras tanto no podre pubricar por un tiempo mas a qui les mando saludo a todos gracias a todo los que se an aunido a mi DA ya somos 468 a si que cuando vuelva les hare algo como agradeciemientos nos vemos cuidese se le quiere Holis as an apologize my absence to who is not had interne asta right now and still I do not get sick when I return in the meantime I will not be able to pubricate for a while but I send them greetings to all thanks to all who join my DA We are already 468 if when I return I will do something like ...
★▬戯スFELIZ AÑOピーカ★▬ - Le desea kanall que se les cumplan todo sus metas y sueños para este año les deseo se les quiere mucho . - You want kanall to fulfill all your goals and dreams for this year I wish you love them very much.
Hello kanall! I have some really important news to tell you. There is this group that's been created called Artspacious which is meant to be kinda like a substitute of the classic Deviantart, as we all know that Eclipse sucks and is terrible. I highly recommend you to join as you are a talented dedicated artist being affected by Eclipse. This will lift up all your frustrations and stress! www.deviantart.com/artspacious Here's a link to it so you can read about them and ask to join.