Midnight TvKamiDiox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kamidiox/art/Midnight-Tv-423962744KamiDiox

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KamiDiox's avatar

Midnight Tv



What can I say? I was in the mood, so I created another little domestic scene. This time there is no much to say, the books, the cushions, the ipad and the tv screen are from magazines. The coffe table is an old pocket size mirror.
A little trick I discovered today: I directed a led light to the "tv screen"and since the magazine paper is glossy, glows like a real one!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Que puedo decir? Estaba de humor y decidi hacer otra escenita domestica. esta vez no hay tanto que decir, los libros, cojines, ipad y pantalla son de revistas. La mesita del centro es un espejito de tamaño bolsillo.
Un truquito que descubri hoy: Al dirigir la luz de una linterna led hacia la pantallita de la tele, como el papel es brillosito, luce como luz de una tele real! 
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2457x1581px 469.71 KB
© 2014 - 2025 KamiDiox
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TheAngelicHazel's avatar
How cute IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL  you have the best ideas i love your details . awww Princess Sparkle Kidnapped