Miloš Kališki was born on 13.10.1989. Finished studies on“Art academy FLU” in Beograd, painting department, Master Academic studies.
Selected solo exhibitions:
2020. year solo exhibition, Gallery KC Kovin
2019. year solo exhibition, National Museum Pančevo
2019. year solo exhibition, Army Center Gallery Vršac, Vršac
2019. year solo exhibition, Gallery of Contemporary Art Kučevo
2018. year solo exhibition, National University Vranje
2018. year solo exhibition, Gallery Pro3or, Beograd
2018year solo exhibition, Gallery ČedomirKrsrić, Pirot
2018. year solo exhibition, Culture CenterVrbas, Vrbas
2017. year solo exhibition, Ortodox Church Garden, Žabalj
2017. year solo exhibition, Museum Robert Hamerstiel, Gudurica
2017. year solo exhibition, Culture Center, Vršac
2016. year solo exhibition, Gallery of History Archive, Pančevo
2016. year solo exhibition, City MuseumVršac, Vršac
Selected group exhibitions:
2020. year group exhibition, 34. October Saloon, Culture Center Kovin
2019. year group exhibition, 33. October Saloon, Culture Center Kovin
2019. year group exhibition, The Club “PajaJovanović”, Vršac
2018. year group exhibition „Pod Kulom“, Dom omladineVršac
2017. year group exhibition, Youth Home Vršac
2016. year group exhibition, „Cirkuliranje“, Army Center Gallery, Vršac
2016. year group exhibition „ MojaVoda Colony“, City Museum Vršac
2016. year group exhibition „Vetroart“,Tačkasusretanja Gallery, Vršac
2016 year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy, Beograd
2015. year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy, Beograd
2015. year „Drawings Exhibition“, Home of Culture – Studentski grad, Beograd
2014.year group exhibition „Desetgodinavršačkihlikovnihsusreta“, City Museum, Vršac
2014. year group exhibition, Youth Home Beograd
2014. year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy FLU, Beograd
2013. year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy FLU, Beograd
2012. year „Izložbacrteža i skulpturamalogformatastudenataFLU“,Youth HomeBeograd
2012. year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy FLU, Beograd
2011. year “Yearly exhibition” Art academy FLU, Beograd