SGPA- BloodrageKalid909 on DeviantArt

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SGPA- Bloodrage



Villain Application for :iconsgpa: :)
Because Eric is an attention hog and wants in on every group I join. ^^;
(Let me know if I forgot something, or flubbed something up!)


Alias: Bloodrage
Group / Alliance Affiliation(s): None, Currently.

Secret ID: Eric Fence
Age: 23 (40's, but vampirism sort of nixed his ability to age)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Earth, American, Caucasian/Hispanic
Current Residence: Gotham City
Day Job: Hair Stylist
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 265lbs
Eye Color: Red, slight glow.
Hair Color: Black-brown, red streaks dyed in.
Hair Type: Straight, thick, Multiple layers.
Skin Color: Very tanned
Physical Description: Muscular and broad-shouldered.

General Personality: It's no stretch to say that knowing Eric is a mixed bag. He's a jumble of good, bad, and some conflicting traits that tend to make others either love or hate him. He's extremely independent and an alpha dog mentality, he has absolutely no interest in complying to others unless it suits his interests in some way. One will also observe that he seems to have more patience for women as opposed to men, and absolutely none for children.

Eric's "moral code" Is very slanted and not easy to pick out without him actually explaining it. Suffice to say that he has strong pride in himself, and believes that he should live up to it. He sees himself to be a pretty awesome guy, especially from his side of life.

Good Traits: A natural leader, Protective, Strong willed, Doesn't give up easily, Loyal to the few he actually likes, Confident, Laid-back when not provoked, Tends to find far more patience for those who are harmless or unable watch over themselves(Namely his pet cat, Skittles), Surprisingly trustworthy with women(You could sleep on him and have nothing to worry about)
Bad Traits: Very Stubborn, Very aggressive, Enjoys violence, Challenging towards certain personality types, Doesn't take orders well, Sometimes completely unreasonable, Has "Rages" where he loses total control and even awareness(And enjoys it), Total devalue of life unless he has some sort of bond with the person.

Quirks: Strangely doting over his pet Skittles, Has an almost unhealthy level of love for his Guitar Sasha, Big fan of many things 80's oriented(Especially music), Composes music to pass time, Can't sleep due to vampirism so has countless hours of boredom, drinks beer even though he can't get drunk anymore, Shameless flirt. Enjoys changing the appearances of others, and over all just likes messing with hair.
Hopes: Currently, his only goal is to be the strongest and most powerful fighter out there... Aside from that, Eric has no idea what to do with himself now... Being a vampire has sort of rained on his original mortal plans. Needless to say, this irritates him, and he's constantly looking for something to fill that gap.
Fears: Fire, Silver, and Werewolves chewing on his face(Or really any part of him). Every which could kill him as easily as a normal, ever-day human. Aside from that, he's afraid of having absolutely no strength or control over his body, life, and choices. To have everything that makes him feel strong and dominant stripped away is terrifying to him.

Memorable Quote(s): "Pfft, I was killing people before you were even born, kid."
"Really...? You've got to be kidding me..."
"What part of 'Vampire' don't you understand?"
"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth!"
"...Well fu--..."

Family: Eric's father was barely even in Eric's life, and his mother wasn't even a memory. However many half-siblings he might have, he has no idea, nor does he care.
Closest Friends: Skittles... Yes, Only Skittles.
Enemies: Way more than he can count, but superheros are his primary peeve. Really, anyone who gets in his way, he's not picky.
Girlfriend: None. Period. Eric's only interest in women was just to have one night stands. Now that he's older and a bit less of a douchebag(Surprisingly) he's a bit more open minded... But it'd have to be someone who could actually catch his mental interest.

Power(s): The foundation of his skills and power is Vampirism, my own home-brewed spin of it.

POWER/ABILITY 1: Vampiric Traits
PROS: His strength, speed, and durability are naturally higher than a human. He becomes stronger when enraged.
His senses are increased.
-Sunlight nullifies all but his increased senses, leaving him nothing more than an exceptionally strong human. Physical capabilities can only be used from twilight to pre-dawn. (Sun comes up, and he's screwed ^^; )
-Exerting any of these causes him to need to feed more often, and he can even push himself further than he can handle; For instance, he might lift a car, but if his body can't handle it, his arms will probably rip off... Which obviously sucks. In addition, it takes a lot of control to measure how much he uses. Not smashing something delicate, for instance, is something he's still learning, as well as his limits.
-This ability makes him reckless and arrogant. He tends to over-estimate himself. On top of this, his rages make him extremely reckless, unable to use his head, and spends an great deal of energy. He'll burn out fast. Suffice to say that his talents become of super-heroic proportions, for a short time, before sucking him dry and rendering his physical abilities to almost human levels.
-With increased senses, he can hear, see, and smell things normal humans can't, including rather keen night vision. The problem with that is each sense is, well, sensitive. A sudden flash of light, an ear-deafening sound, horrific smells... He's nearly incapacitated by each, and must struggle to recover. A constant bombardment of these, and he's likely to be rendered "Unconscious" for an hour. Or at least, as close as vampires get, unable to use his senses, and an almost total shutdown physically and mentally.

POWER/ABILITY 2: Regeneration
PROS: He heals quickly, and drinking blood speeds up the process even more. This applies to cleansing his body of toxins, like poison or alcohol.
-The more he regenerates, the more fuel(blood) it burns up, along with any combat skills he uses. Getting into an all out thrash match with capable heroes is very likely to have him drinking several quarts of blood, just to make up for it all. And obviously, he has to find and/or hunt that blood down.
-Silver, Fire, Or Werewolf bites completely nix this ability. He can only heal at a human rate, unless the wounds are treated medically and the taint removed, so that his regeneration can work. Aside from that, magic could also do the trick, but it's unlikely he'll make friends with a talented healer... (You should be nicer and less picky about your friends, Eric)
-Medicines don't do much of anything for him. Seen as foreign chemicals, his vampirism makes the mistake to think they are also toxins, and attempts to neutralize them. Healing him traditionally can be a rather obnoxious business.

Weapon(s): His claws and fangs are his primary weapons, namely the former. Bladed gloves and bracers add an extra impact to his preferred unarmed style.
Style: Fast, Aggressive, and all-in. Eric doesn't really pace himself and aims to win, and often with no care about the cost.
Strengths: He's a heavy hitter, decent enough in durability, and good at getting attention off others and onto himself. When in a team, he's able to settle down somewhat and take a leader role, but he'd need to learn a few things about self control before he could really excel in that department. Otherwise, Eric is not good at being a team player.
Weaknesses: Getting Eric mad is one way to throw a wrench in his groove, another being a good style of dodging and deflecting, if one has the stamina for it, to get Eric to exert his energy. Reckless as he is, he doesn't pace himself, and the patient may well succeed him.

Eric was born to a prostitute in the back end of Gotham during December of 1969, and then dumped off on his father while still an infant. It was only out of pride for how "awesome" he was that Eric was even kept, as the man thought himself too great of a guy to simply toss Eric into a dumpster. So, apart from the absolute necessary, he received no care or upbringing. When he was old enough to dress himself, feed himself, etc. He was left completely alone, generally not even acknowledge by his father. Eric didn't care, he never had expectations in the first place of his father, so decided to make the feelings mutual. Left to completely raise himself, only attending school because his father wanted him to get out of the house, it was easy to guess how that went...

Eric was a bully from the start, began stealing and vandalizing by ten, brutalizing other students at sixteen, and by twenty he'd managed to kill two people while drunk. Whatever posse he had was consisting of guys just as morally crooked as himself, but were smaller and weaker. Eric was a strong giant of a man, even as a human, and he took a great deal of pride in his looks, physique, and capability to break anyone who crossed him... Or just for kicks. It really depended on his mood.

Eric and his friends actually had formed a rock band of sorts, something that was surprisingly looking like it would take off. That all ended, however, when he picked a fight with the wrong hobo, and found himself face to face with a vampire. Not only that, but the male was taller and wider, with a crazed look to his eyes... He seemed all to happy. Being promptly torn into and "friends" running screaming, Eric would later find himself turned by that very man, who proclaimed that Eric would be his best friend. It became clear the giant was completely off his rocker, but being 200 years old, Eric found out, made it very easy for him to detain him and keep Eric from escaping.

After fifteen years of this, Eric had given up, and even grown some sort of forced, strange friendship with his sire, known as "Vincent Alexander". That much time tied to someone, one would get to know a lot about them, especially in Vince's case, who was extremely open and had little in the way of secrets. At times Eric could even manage to find Vince's bizarre antics comical, and the two did share a love of violence, though Vince even more so. One could almost call it a mild kind of Stockholm syndrome. Whatever was the basis, it ended when his Sire was killed by Vampire Hunters, vampires and werewolves devoted to neutralizing any member of the race, should they "step out of line". Mass murder happened to be considered just that.

Vincent's death had been what saved Eric's neck. His sire forced him to save his own skin, and died for it... Something that has stuck in the back of his mind ever since. Through his bizarre years with Vince, and his time afterwards, Eric had changed a lot from his former, more "evil" self. Still quite the villain, he finds himself leagues ahead of who he used to be, and now questions a lot about himself, and what's around him.

Currently, Eric is in a place of life where he is directionless and feeling rather lost. He's is simply acting on what he's always done; Taking what he needs, be it money, possessions, or lives for the sake of blood. Beyond that, he doesn't know what to do...

Villainous Motivations: He's a douche! :la:
In all seriousness, he always had a mean streak, and it festered into a nasty way of life over the years. After becoming a vampire, and "apprentice" to a psychopath, his morality wasn't exactly improved, though he ironically became a better person because of it, anyhow.
Always living how he wants, with a natural disdain for authority, and an unhealthy desire to rebel, and committing various criminal activities in his youth, continuing the lifestyle was natural to him, and most likely always will be. Being a vampire, draining people is the easiest way to feed, which only compounds his violent tendencies.
So in the end, he's pretty much doing what he's always done, just on a larger scale, these days.

Fun Fact:
Eric originally was for a comic years ago, and had almost nothing in common with the Eric we know today! (Aside from appearance and a bad temper)

I greatly prefer to RP over skype, PG 13, but willing to go R in terms of violence and gore because I'm like that. XD I'm a social drama romantic, but love a good dose of action and horror/mystery to off-set it, otherwise it gets stagnant and boring. :) (Smile)

My activity is very poor, and I'm no good with names unless I've talked to you a LOT, and you don't change it more than once in a blue moon. XD If you're okay with this, and don't mind RPs being infrequent and all over the place, I'll be happy to write with you! 0v0 Just note me asking for my skype, and please don't feel bad if I need you to remind me who you and your character are. Sweating a little... (I also ask that you please PLEASE poke me on skype frequently! I lose people in my friends list, even when I know exactly who I'm looking for!)

My memory is extremely bad, I'm working on getting it looked in to, but it might be a while. ^^;

Simple Reference: Eric SGPA Reference
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Enthaga's avatar
*puts head on table* Why is he so hot XD