Gaxkal8879 on DeviantArt

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Note:This Gax is a combination of the Reboot Gax and the hypothetical Classic Gax

Species:Chimera Sui Generis
DNA Source:Vilgax
Body: Humanoid,Squid(True Form)
Voice Actor:Steve Blum(OS Vilgax)

Height:12 Feet

Appearance:Gax is a humanoid creature with a face resembling that of an octopus. He has tentacles dangling in the front of his face, like a beard. His skin is pale green. He doesn't have a nose or a visible ear. He has red eyes.
In his true form, Gax more closely resembles an octopus, having the shape of one with many tentacles. He has three spikes on his head. He has gills on his cheeks.
When in his 'true form', he is more cephalopod-like than humanoid in appearance. His head becomes massive in size and supports several black horn-shaped spikes running down his head. There are pink cracks above his sharper eyes. The bottom of his body is pink with line patterns and has a triangular mouth. Unlike cephalopods found on Earth, his mouth appears on his face, sporting eight sharp teeth, five on top, three on the jaw, and three extra each shown on the four tentacles closest to his mouth, while having about 20 tentacles in total. There are also gill-like growths underneath the eyes. His skin is more wrinkled compared to his humanoid form

Powers and Abilities:

•Enhanced Strength-Gax has incredible natural strength as showcased by Vilgax who he could restrain Phil in his younger days and Myaxx who could kick a Perk Upchuck a good distance as well as tear apart a Mechadroid with her bare hands.He can also lift the Rustbucket,a giant boulder, two giant trees, and a multitude of other aliens with relative ease.Gax is able to crack a snow mountain just by mere force of his jumping.In fact when it compared to some of Ben’s aliens he surpasses Four Arms.

•Enhanced Durability-He has also incredible durability and endurance. Even before being enhanced, Vilgax survived a nuclear explosion at point blank range,though he was widely believed to be dead after this.Myaxx was fine after an explosion with a Perk Upchuck.He is durable enough to tank a lab explosion,and attacks from a powerful Fulmini

•Enhanced Agility-Gax has incredible agility which showcased by Vilgax and Myaxx who was able to dodge several blasts from a Perk Upchuck.Can preform backflips and cartwheels despite his large size.

•Enhanced Stamina-Can cross vast distances without tiring out

•Laser Vision/Fire Generation(Via Laser Vision)-Can project powerful laser beams from his eyes that are capable of starting fires if he chooses to do so.Has such precision that he can precisely write in stone with his laser vision.Gax is able to cut stone with his laser vision and burn a tree to a crisp.

•Shapeshifting Arms/Tentacles -Gax has shapeshifting arms that could change into a bunch of extremely powerful tentacles (five on each arm), retaining equal strength to his arms as a whole. This allows him to grab his opponents, run quickly, and swing great distances.He is able grab multiple objects at once

•Climbing Skills-Gax has demonstrated to be a very skilled climber, using his sharp claws to dig into the ground

•Fire Resistance-Gax is highly heat resistant, as Vilgax has been able to survive being drowned in lava.Can step on lava and withstand an eruption of lava to the facd

•Longevity-Has an incredibly long lifespan as Vilgax is 3,235 years old

•Telepathy-Gax can telepathically sense parts of his DNA; this was how Vilgax was able to track down his missing half

•Underwater Breathing-Gax can breathe underwater in humanoid form and his true form

•True Form-Gax possesses the ability to transform into a large squid-like form and back at will, but can't if they're too weak

•Quadrupedalism/Enhanced Speed-Can run on all fours

+Can shatter the ground by flexing


•When in his 'true form', Gax cannot switch back if they are too weak. His species in this form are also highly immobile on land in that form and require water in order to breathe.

•Despite his enhanced durability, there is a limit to how much damage his body can take before being fatally injured as Vilgax gained burn marks on his skin from his near-death experience with lava.

•As demonstrated by Zs'Skayr, Gax is vulnerable to be converted into Ectonurites though the Omnitrix protects him from this

•As demonstrated by Vilgax, he can be trapped in asphalt, blasted back by sonic sneezes and immobilized by ice and he is vulnerable to electricity, fire cluster bombs and black holes.

•If Gax is reckless with his lasers, it can cause fire damage

•Gax can not survive the vacuum of space
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© 2024 - 2025 kal8879
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