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"Don't Give Up, Keep Trying"
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • May 4, 1999
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

kakashi gif by O-S-K:iconsparklesplz::iconchokopink::iconhello1plz::iconhello2plz::iconchokopink::iconsparklesplz: kakashi gif by O-S-K

Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart Star! Heart

My Name is Alexa, But People Call me, Either Lexie (( Mostly Lexie-Chan ))
Most people say that I'm crazy about Anime, But I know that.. I have been told that My art and advice to cheer them up.... (( Maybe they believe in their-selves ))
I've been drawing and whatnot for about like, forever!

Instagram by Th3EmOo www.instagram.com/lexiesenji_a...
YouTube by Th3EmOo www.youtube.com/channel/UCiea1...
Tumblr by Th3EmOo kakashixirukalover14.tumblr.com/
Wattpad by Th3EmOo www.wattpad.com/user/SasuNaruL...
Patreon Icon by linux-rules www.patreon.com/sandcoffinotak...

Awesome and wonderful people:
:iconthewarzonex::iconsonerouzumaki::iconsarah927artworks::iconsariinuzuka::iconblushingplushy::iconwerahatake::iconsakiuchiha2052::iconumihoshianze::icon0stene::iconkobayashisoul::iconwhs06::iconwhitemagehealer: :iconcrimson-kunoichi::iconsheepgobeepbeep::iconxxdiamondstarxx::iconnightsandsonic::iconsanakouchiha: :iconmiulli::iconkonsu4::iconakara-hanashi::iconhikariyukimura::iconwritteninwonderland: :iconpyorimay::iconaisakauchiha333::iconhiddenleafu::iconrayinuzuka::iconjadeologie::icontsurugami: :iconjust-jes::iconxcaeli::iconeleanor-devil::iconana-uzumaki::iconhanachiyuki::iconbluemoonrosedragon: :iconashianaaquaris::iconxyakurix237::iconelinoracia::iconhatake-mina::iconlunahoshizaki: :iconandjelainuzuka::iconbyncu-uzumaki::iconhikarihyugagaara::iconjennapark04::iconmayu-sama-desu: :iconkrownismine: :iconwilnaah: :iconxthecrimsonbutterfly:

My RP Accounts/Ask Questions, Old d.A Accounts:
XTheAwesomeGermany XxMisaki-TakahashixX ImWithAwezomePrussia
Lexie-Senji VegetaLover1994 VegetaLover1994The2 supervegetoa1994

My Love That Keeps Me Alive:
Stitch Stamp by Thunderbirmon set phasers to stun by Kitsuka-x Kakashi Stamp 02 by Rika24 All Might Stamp by Shinrai-No-Kanrei Vegeta Stamp by GeremiasZ

What Programs I Use:
Paint Tool Sai User  STAMP by Drayuu Photoshop User Stamp by iPPG
MMD User Stamp by KarakuriSix

Favourite Visual Artist
I.D.K (i don't know)
Favourite Movies
All Of Them (For Now)
Favourite TV Shows
DBZ Kai, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, DBZ, DragonBall Gt, Naruto Shippuden, Little House On The Prairie, The Brady Bunch, Fruits Basket, Adventure Time, Pokemon, Jeff DunHam, South Park, The Simpson, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, Robot Chicken, & Futurama
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Country, Michael Jackson, One Direction, BTR (Big Time Rush), & More
Favourite Books
JunJou Romantica, DragonBall Z, DragonBall Z Kai, DragonBall GT, Bleach, One Piece, Sailor Moons, Traveler Of The Moon, Hikaru No Go, Fruits Basket, Oron Oron, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Little House On The Prairie, & More
Favourite Writers
Akira Toriyama, Nakamura Shungiku, Kishimoto Masashi, Natsuki Takaya (Furba), Laura Ingalls Wilder, & More.
Favourite Games
DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi, DragonBall Raging Blast 2, Mortal Combat V.S. DC Universe, DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Sonic Rush, & More
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS3, Nintendo DS, Apple Ipod, Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360, & More.
Tools of the Trade
All Of Them (For Now)
Other Interests
Drawing My Favorite Anime Characters, Singing, Making Up Jokes, Going On My Laptop & Kindle Fire, & Sometimes On My Nintendo DS, & Other Stuff.
Is it just me... Why is my chats and notes filled with spam, inappropriate people (+18 mature things), and fake accounts. I remember when I never get those at all... Geez 🙄
anonymous's avatar
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General Information I do not work with written contracts, since so many DeviantArt members are still too young for that. However, I do hope that when you commission me you will read my terms of service, and will try to keep 'to the rules' to avoid uncomfortable situations or misunderstandings either from me or you! When you have questions, feel free to send me a note. Payment I will only start a commission after payment has been received. Deadlines and waiting times I do not accept deadlines on any commission, no matter the price. Refunds If your waiting time for a normal commission would be longer than half a year, I will offer a full refund. If, for the experimental commissions, the waiting time for be longer than a year, I will offer a full refund. For all commissions, if you really need a refund because, for example, something nasty has come up and you desperately need the money, send me a note and we'll discuss it! If you've made any art requests in the past
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ArtistWill96's avatar

thanks for the favourites

BellaBridjon's avatar

Thank you for the fav! If you'd like to stay up to date on my latest creations, please consider watching me! ♡♡♡

Niduag's avatar

Thanks for the fav'!

Niduag's avatar

Thanks for the fav'!

ItaliaNinjArtist92's avatar
Saichi-san's avatar

Hi, thanks for the fav on one of my drawings!

I've a lot of other drawings that might like you, please consider visiting my gallery and maybe watching me if you like my work ^^

also you can also support me by giving fav to the post in my profile:

The Pharaoh and the Empress - Watercolor

ps: I run raffles usually for my watchers with free commission as the prizes.


Tuliharja-art's avatar

Thank you for favoriting "Gold". =)

Just a little comment...please?  Pikachu want it