My Name is Alexa, But People Call me, Either Lexie (( Mostly Lexie-Chan ))
Most people say that I'm crazy about Anime, But I know that.. I have been told that My art and advice to cheer them up.... (( Maybe they believe in their-selves ))
I've been drawing and whatnot for about like, forever!
Awesome and wonderful people:
My RP Accounts/Ask Questions, Old d.A Accounts:
XTheAwesomeGermany XxMisaki-TakahashixX ImWithAwezomePrussia
Lexie-Senji VegetaLover1994 VegetaLover1994The2 supervegetoa1994
My Love That Keeps Me Alive:
What Programs I Use:
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Thank you for the fav! If you'd like to stay up to date on my latest creations, please consider watching me! ♡♡♡
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Thanks for the fav'!
Thanks for fav
Hi, thanks for the fav on one of my drawings!
I've a lot of other drawings that might like you, please consider visiting my gallery and maybe watching me if you like my work ^^
also you can also support me by giving fav to the post in my profile:
ps: I run raffles usually for my watchers with free commission as the prizes.
Thank you for favoriting "Gold".