DAI- Bull and his chargerskakaleng1 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kakaleng1/art/DAI-Bull-and-his-chargers-634557434kakaleng1

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DAI- Bull and his chargers

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Celpar's avatar
This is the single reason I will never ever sacrifice the Chargers for the Qun. Fuck the Qun! I want Bull to be happy and free, I want Krem to be alive and fall in love, I want the Charges to continue to joke that Dalish is a mage, I want Grim to return to his kingdom or tribe, I want Rocky to blow more Noble shit up, I want Skinner to live to kill more Shems that mess with her Alienage and I want Stitches to make more effective but bad-tasting healing potions. And none of that can happen if they all die for an alliance that meant nothing to the ones who requested it.