Dragon KnightKaiseto on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kaiseto/art/Dragon-Knight-160521653Kaiseto

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Kaiseto's avatar

Dragon Knight



Sometimes I'm afraid that I submit horrifically boring deviations. This is one of those times.

I have all this time in between classes every Tuesday and Thursday, so I pixel stuff. And usually it's the same sort of stuff I'm always doodling or pixelling. In this case, an anthropomorphic cartoony dragon with a big sword. Or maybe a lance.

Regardless, I've got nothing much else to show lately, so here it is. I lifted some of the colors from my Dragon Portrait from that old PJ challenge, because I tend to pick colors badly on my laptop. Things show up with less saturation and brightness, so I overcompensate and when I view them on a normal computer it's horrifyingly bright. There's probably some of that in this piece, but it should be viewable.

Contains 15 colors + transparency.
Submitted at 2x size.
Image size
230x162px 1.95 KB
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Amazing :) Palette is superb!