Proxy Blood - Anen-KaKairu-Hakubi on DeviantArt

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Proxy Blood - Anen-Ka



race: Anubite
age: 52
height: 6'2" (including ears)
weight: 173 pounds
homeland: Saqqara, Ineb Hedj, Egypt

The "Soul-returner," he derives a great deal of spirit power from everyone he's sacrificed, and dark power from those he's executed.. though he's mostly out of a job now. He relished the idea of having more people to kill in the Struggle

he wields a kopesh called Seftew (butcher) and a kopis called Retehtey (baker)

When he wins, he chooses key members of his race and sends them out across the inhabited world.. Their goal: to stir up dark religions of all kinds, and channel all the spirit power to Anen-Ka. He soon grows so powerful he challenges Anubis himself and wins. As the ruler of death, he becomes completely unstoppable.
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2100x2800px 1.15 MB
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