kailinaa's avatar


Moving soon!
4 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Digital Art
  • Aug 13
  • United States
  • Deviant for 8 years
  • She / Her
DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
#PluralityOfPride: Participated in Pride Month 2018
Show Your Heart: Participated in DeviantArt's 2019 Valentine's Day celebrations
30 Days of Pride: Participated in Pride Month 2019
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)

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kailinaa's avatar
Moving to maerseaa
+watch me there,
kailinaa's avatar
Moving to maerseaa
+watch me there,
kailinaa's avatar
Moving to maerseaa
+watch me there,
kailinaa's avatar
Moving to maerseaa
+watch me there,
kailinaa's avatar
Moving to maerseaa
+watch me there,
kailinaa's avatar
Hi there! I'm in the process of moving my account over to maerseaa. If you still appreciate my work, go and +watch me over there.

... Keep in mind that I will not be posting art on either of my accounts until I get my stuff together. (Unless they're collaborations by which will be posted onto THIS account.)

To commissioners and anyone I owe artwork to: I recommend keeping track of my newer account (maerseaa) because I will most likely be posting your commissions / owed work over there. If you have any plans to change the character you requested, note me, over at the maerseaa account, ASAP. Here's the link to my art queue ... trello.com/b/woHgNF6c/artwork-…

If you're curious as to know my status regarding my equipment and such: I'll be getting a new laptop soon. Also turns out that I do not need a new art tablet. So, I currently have 2/3 pieces of the puzzle figured out. Next on my bucket list is to buy a license / certificate to get Paint Tool SAI, and I'll be good to make art again!

I know a plurality of users are irritated by my extended hiatus. Trust me, it's been tough for me, too. But on some positive notes, my artwork has improved tremendously, and I now have internet access at my mother's so that I'll be able to make artwork all seven days of the week instead of just the weekends. I cannot wait to share my art with you guys once again. Thank you for being patient with me. :heart: 

If you have any questions or concerns, note me over on my newer account (maerseaa). I'm willing to issue refunds to commissioners, however it may take some time as well.