Devilman/Amon 3 (DEVILMAN crybaby)Kaiju-ODanny19 on DeviantArt

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Devilman/Amon 3 (DEVILMAN crybaby)

Character  Akira Fudo/Devilman/Amon Character  Devilman/AmonLocation  Devilman Crybaby


Hello everyone! This is Kaiju-O Danny here.

This here is an official artwork of Akira Fudo in his Devilman/Amon form, made by Maasaki Yuasa for his 2018 Netflix anime masterpiece, "Devilman Crybaby" in the most iconic yet dramatic poses ever.

So yeah, likewise, since Amon was once a demon-slaying human warrior, whom was tragically and forcefully merged by Satan with his dragonic steed "Khaos Durango" and the werewolf Urga, therefore, creating an being, whose existence born into that of an hybrid composite of an human, a dragon, and a werewolf. Also, it's safe to say that Amon is perhaps by all any means, he's too still have his human heart intact, therefore, Amon's too a DEVILMAN as well! 

And likewise, with the fierce determination, tendency, and will-power of a human warrior, the ravenous bloodlust of the lycanthrope Urga, and the fearsome rage and fury of his dragonic steed "Khaos Durango", Amon's truly himself is definitely an dreadful force to be reckoned with.

Devilman, Devil Lady, Devilman Saga, Akuma Kishi/Demon Knight, and Demon Lord Dante © Go Nagai, Dynamic Planning, and Kodansha

DEVILMAN crybaby © Masaaki Yuasa, Science SARU, Netflix, and Aniplex
Image size
800x1141px 237.25 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Kaiju-ODanny19
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