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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

deformography by kage-ookami4, visual art

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

artist, airman, pet store employee, student. lover of fake hair, energy drinks and animals great and small.

Current Residence: where the sidewalk ends...
Favourite genre of music: hardcore punk, ska, metal, trance, ebm
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Creative Vison: M
Favourite cartoon character: Susumu from Peace Maker Kurogane

Favourite Movies
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
La' Cryma Cristi/ Akiakane/ Gorillaz/ The Dreamside
Tools of the Trade
wacom graphire 4 4x5, Photoshop Elements 6.0, MS Paint, openCanvas 4.5+
Other Interests
art, anime/ manga, biology, air force, music
A long time ago Portal Graphics stopped English support and the English website for openCanvas, my art program of choice. After my computer died I though I was screwed, my product serial key is for oC 3.0 [en] and I no longer had a working account since the English site was blown up.Any way, I  managed to find a download for the EN version of 4.5+, which I had been using. My old 3.0 product key did not work, as I had suspected. I did my best to navigate the japanese site and finally figured out a way to get a new key. $84 later I am now back in business!I haven't drawn anything in ages...
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0 min read
notice how i just posted my current WIP? well, you know how that goes, every time i start working on something nice, BAM! COMPUTER PROBLEM!yes, it's true, another computer problem. my motherboard is roasted, toasted and burnt to a crisp. my laptop is a paper weight. apparently it's a pretty common issue with my model of laptop but i do not qualify for free repairs. since the repair costs almost as much as my rent it's not going to happen. not any time soon at least.
anonymous's avatar
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i wish i could just get rid of all the boogers in my nose forever... blahi have been working on and off on a new picture, but don't expect it any time soon.
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Profile Comments 80

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ReptileMan27's avatar
Hey, this is my new DA page was telling you about just for reptile pics and stuff.
dark--sapphire's avatar
thanks for all the tutorials (: They are super helpful!
kitty-witty0's avatar
I wish I had fake hair like that :'D

Your drawings are cool too. :heart:
aquablade006's avatar
Such wonderful stuff!! :]
aquablade006's avatar