Aquatint - geography of death?Kagaya on DeviantArt

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Aquatint - geography of death?



From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):
"Aquatint \A"qua*tint\, Aquatinta \A`qua*tin"ta\, n. [It. acquatinta dyed water; acqua (L. aqua) water + tinto, fem. tinta, dyed. See Tint.]
"A kind of etching in which spaces are bitten by the use of aqua fortis, by which an effect is produced resembling a drawing in water colors or India ink; also, the engraving produced by this method."

Print Content: From Pablo Neruda's "Book of Questions", my print class professor asked us to pick an excerpt and create an aquatint plate in responce to it. This is an inspiring, fun book, short and easy to read as well. Because I wasn't too satesfied with what I made on the earlier intaglio plate [link] , I tried to get away from what was expected, such as creating an image with precise shades of aquatint in specific areas, all within the lines and as clean as possible... I used my birth chart, and a reference from Dr. Paul Richer's "Artistic Anatomy", basically wanting to make a messy, structured map of the stars, of a human life and death cycle in responce to the question, "Why does the professor teach the geography of death?"

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Thorndrop's avatar
Wow. I looked at it and it made me think of the Vitruvian Man straight away.