Favourite Movies
Movies from Back to the future and the movies from Police Academy and the Ludofs and the movie from Stan and Olie and old Uk comedy series and Timmy time and Shaun the sheep and Mr Bean and the movies from TinTin
Favourite TV Shows
Dakar Rally and Spongebob and Spongebob Kamp Koral and Chateau Meiland and Wheeler Dealers and Lego Masters and Stuk Tv and the Simpsons and the Cleveland Show and Family Guy And Mr Bean
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I have a lot of favorites
Favourite Books
I have a lot of favorites
Favourite Games
Euro truck simulator 2 ( PC ) and GRAND THEFT AUTO FIVE and Driver San Francisco ( Ps 3 ) and Wreckfest and Grand Turismo Sport and Lego City Undercover ( Ps4 )
Favourite Gaming Platform
Pc and PS3 and PS4 and Ipad and I Phone