Eye am watching youkabacalyaan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kabacalyaan/art/Eye-am-watching-you-878043351kabacalyaan

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kabacalyaan's avatar

Eye am watching you



This is how I did DeviantArt's April Tutorial: Draw an Eye with reiq! (www.deviantart.com/team/journa…)
It's really great practice, and I do like the both simple and effective approach of creating the eye step by step from its underlaying structure.

But honestly, it's a bit eerie seeing this disembodied thing staring back at you from the sheet, don't you think?! ;-)

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reiq : Thank you for providing this tutorial. You are a very skilled artist although, I have to say, I do not agree with how you depict women. No matter how skillfully it is done (and it is), it offends me. I would not have participated in the April tutorial if I had noticed this earlier. I have given some thought to the question whether I should withdraw my entry but I've decided not to, after all, since I do not have any problem with my own little piece of art practice here.
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