K9-Lupus's avatar


The Lupine Dreamer
420 Watchers146 Deviations

The Brimstone Maiden by K9-Lupus, literature

The Midnight Fury by K9-Lupus, literature

The Origins of Grey Ryder by K9-Lupus, literature

Sunday Breakfast by K9-Lupus, literature

By Autumn's Grace by K9-Lupus, literature

Lance Wei Character Story Blurbs by K9-Lupus, literature

See All

The Brimstone Maiden by K9-Lupus, literature

The Midnight Fury by K9-Lupus, literature

The Origins of Grey Ryder by K9-Lupus, literature

Sunday Breakfast by K9-Lupus, literature

By Autumn's Grace by K9-Lupus, literature

Lance Wei Character Story Blurbs by K9-Lupus, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Writing Commissions [Status:OPEN] Details Below! by K9-Lupus, journal

  • Aug 1
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (295)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
My Bio

Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: digital, traditional, and fractal artwork :3
Operating System: Windows XP
Shell of choice: Conch
Favourite cartoon character: Toboe of Wolf's Rain
Personal Quote: "Reality is what one makes it to be."

Favourite Visual Artist
GoldenWolf, K9Battlecry
Favourite Movies
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sonata Arctica
Favourite Writers
Jack London, Robert Frost
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
a DDR one
Tools of the Trade
Anything given to me
Other Interests
Wolves, Writing, Poetry, and Improvisational Acting
Hey there everybody! I wanted to give a quick shout-out to a fundraising campaign for Stella, my partner's dog who recently underwent dental surgery and is now recovering. The fundraising campaign is to help offset some vet bills from the procedure. You can find more information about Stella's situation here: Stella Surgery Vet Costs Fundraising Campaign: ko-fi.com/stellybelly I'm hoping to possibly do a Discord server game day today (Jackbox and other community games) to help raise awareness and funds there. If interested, you can feel free to join my server "The Wilderness" for more info when that goes live (hopefully by 9 am PST): https://discord.com/invite/tJVNgAqn6U I've thought of maybe even doing something like a group donation art stream with others if we can coordinate efforts next week sometime. Please let me know if you'd be interested in joining or coordinating such an endeavor via Discord or Picarto.tv/Twitch. Thank you all for taking the time to read this over
anonymous's avatar
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Hey there everyone! Quick message here today: I was recently notified of an unexpected delay in an ongoing project, so I'm hoping to fill the space it occupied with another piece to help with some urgent, ongoing expenses. You can find my commission info here: http://fav.me/dcde3pg Feel free to send a note if interested, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you everyone who has been patient as I've been chipping away at my different projects. I'm looking forward to having more to share with you all soon! ~Lupus
anonymous's avatar
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I'm not usually one to advertise stuff like this, but 2023 has started off with a doozy for me. The bomb cyclone passing through the other evening ended up tearing off half of my roof and I may need to find alternative housing in the near future if I'm displaced for repairs. Please consider a donation to help with my roof repair/living costs. I will give back on donations of all amount through writing, digital coloring, or other craft time spent in acknowledgement of your generosity. Link and more info found here: https://ko-fi.com/k9lupus Thank you for your understanding if there are delays on projects I've been meaning to get to as a result of this. I am getting things sorted as best I can right now and will communicate with those I need to.
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Profile Comments 784

anonymous's avatar
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SushyKino's avatar

Thankyou for the favorite and lama badge!

Extreme2024's avatar

Do you do Requests?

K9-Lupus's avatar

I don't currently do requests; however, I'd be happy to work on a commission project for you if you'd like. You can find more info on that here:

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thank you very much for watching ^.^

lobaapexlegendsmain's avatar

Uh hello where is the continuation for bonds of gold (sorry for being this rude, I'm really starting to get impatient)

You have a wonderful writing style I wish I was that good. You do  a very good job avoiding to many clichés. I have had ideas for a story where a character either becomes or reveals their lycanthropy to a loved one but they simply do not believe that it's real and are convinced that it's a hallucination. My family does have a history of schizophrenia and I've always though that the most frightening thing about becoming a werewolf/ discovering werewolves would be proving that it was real. Not sure if I should give this a go myself or get it commissioned since most of my attempts at writing fail miserably. Does it sound like it has potential?