WarriorK1LL3RANGEL on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/k1ll3rangel/art/Warrior-455906842K1LL3RANGEL

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Nickname:The blind warrior 
Bio:She was a normal girl who father was a member of a elite warrior group called the Shadow warrior ... one day her father died on a mission to save a village  and her mother was taken from them at the age of 12... ever since she has sworn to protect her brother ... they have trained and survived because the shadow warriors have helped them become the best warriors but one day her brother was on a mission to kill a group of wizards but the squad was killed except for her brother .. one of the wizards pulled his sword and his sister got there in time to save him but before they could leave the wizard used a fire spell to burn the warrior but she blocked but her eyes were injured she could not see anymore she was able to save her brother from death at the price of losing her eyes in combat evr since she has train and killed millions of enemys and has been giving the name of the blind warrior ....

Image size
800x1280px 140.9 KB
Date Taken
May 23, 2014, 1:28:27 PM
© 2014 - 2025 K1LL3RANGEL
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AmbergrisElement's avatar
The character design reminds me a bit of Naruto or Dragon Ball.I like especially her hidden face.She has a very thin body,doesn´t look as well trained as you said.:)
But it´s still a well done drawing.