Mew Detailsk-times-two on DeviantArt

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k-times-two's avatar

Mew Details



Just some details of [link] for a customer. Go see the full deviation! Much more impressive than this bad-photo jazz~!


This creation was made with a type of crafting called needle felting. Basically what happens is I take a bunch of loose (i.e. roving) wool and jab it with a needle (many, many times). The wool bonds to itself, slowly getting firmer and firmer. Eventually, it's firm enough to stand by itself in a sculpture-like way. By adding more roving wool, I can sculpt a creature or a person or whatever out of the wool.

Needlefelting is a relatively new craft, having only been invented 30 years or so ago. It's similar to the process of wet felting, but instead of using water, needles are used.

My needlefelt creations almost always include a wire base, so they are extremely posable, and I find the freedom of sculpting and the resulting plushness to be everything I could have asked for in a medium.

I happily take commissions, and my prices range from 20 and up, depending on the complexity but mainly on the size.

Image size
900x3586px 4.51 MB
© 2011 - 2025 k-times-two
anonymous's avatar
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Woah... I haven't done much with needlefelting, but I've experimented enough to know it's a heck of a lot of work. I can't believe how smooth and perfect you got it, especially considering its scale! $500 is a totally fair price - I wish I had the cash. ^_^