Kaleidoscopejyongyi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jyongyi/art/Kaleidoscope-515360011jyongyi

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jyongyi's avatar




I can't draw flames or water or any fancy elementy....thingies > < So what do I do? Do weird smoky/clothy effects with lots and *lots of eye shattering patterns on it! Although if you look closer you can see the reason for my madness T T I swear the whole thing looks 100% better in real life, plus I used gold and silver metallic pen on the water and fire element patterns so that you can play with the lighting and make Korra glow or hide in the dark because metallic surfaces are fun that way. Ok in all seriousness I'm trying to go down the symbolic route here so waves for water, seismic waves for earth, sun rays for fire and for some inexplicably weird and non-conforming reason lotus flowers for air because the monks kind of influenced my drawing not the actual airbending. But I always kind of find that the airbenders are the most in-tuned with their element, that you won't really go oh is that an airbender you just think monk=airbending because I don't think I've ever seen a nonbending monk before. Of course in LoK airbending is breaking out of its conventions as the pacifist element but this drawing is about the origins so yeah.

Copic markers, polychromos, multiliner, Sakura gold and silver metallic pens on A3 Bristol Board. 
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1000x1443px 2.17 MB
CanoScan LiDE 200
© 2015 - 2025 jyongyi
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MutanteFeliz's avatar
the patterns on the blue clothing are insanely good, how much time did it take you to do the whole piece?