I finally decided to show artwork on Deviant Art. Uploaded 6 images to start, 4 paintings and 2 concept art. I'll update with new stuff as often as I can. Enjoy!
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Small Update
Hey, a small update today. Two images that I just got the ok to share publicly from the card game Warlord. Make sure to check out Warlord's website at www.warlordccg.com. I was speaking with Warlord yesterday and I have a new lizardman in the works for the next expansion, so if you liked SS'Slik, you'll LOVE the card coming up next. Too bad it's likely going to be a few months before I can share it with you all :P
Big update today
I just added about a dozen new images today. Some of them are recent, and some are a little older that I just never got around to sharing.
© 2008 - 2025 JWilsonIllustration
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