
Top seven worst things about Dragonball Super.

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7. Goku Black: a very strange idea for a villain whose origins are needlessly complicated. Zamazu was enough on his own imho.

6. Frieza being revived again and remaining so: Reviving him once was enough. It's stupid that he be allowed to terrorize the DBZ Universe again with no real repercussions.

5. Mai and Trunks as a couple: Mai's restored youth aside, this is a rather bizarre pairing. The fact that it's also in the Mirai timeline doesn't help.

4. Uninteresting new transformations: Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, Golden Frieza, and Ultra Instinct are just recolored versions of old forms. Hated at Gt might be, things like Super Saiyan 4 blow them out of the water.

3. Over Reliance on Beerus and Whis, and Gods as elements of the plot: They are everywhere now and are tied to every arc in someway. They honestly got boring to me

2. The Trunks arc as a whole: Bad ending,strange villain, and Trunks' hair is the wrong color.

  1. Retcons and Plot holes: This show won't really fit with the end of Z and I hate the changes made to Goku's backstory and Bardock.

Just my personal opinion. Will do a companion piece as well.
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Strangerataru's avatar

#2 makes sense though: he's Bulma's son so having him share his mother's hair color instead of being purple works. (unless Doctor Briefs had purple hair in his youth?)