
My DC Cinimatic Universe outline

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Literature Text

Phase 1:

  1. Last Son of Krypton

  2. The Caped Crusader

  3. Diana of Themyscara

  4. Fastest Man Alive

  5. Green Lantern: Brightest Day

  6. Aquaman: My Way

  7. Martian Manhunter

  8. World's Finest

  9. Justice League{MY Way}

Phase 2:


 11. Green Lantern: Blackest Night

12.Man of Tomorrow {Last Son of Krypton 2}

13.The Dark Knight Detective {Caped Crusader 2}

14. Diana of Themyscara 2: Odyssey

15.Fastest Man Alive: Return of Barry Allen

16. Aquaman 2:my way

17.Martian Manhunter 2

18.  Hawkgirl

Phase 3:

19. Zatanna

20. Etrigan

21. Spectre

22.Green Lantern Corps

23.  Kara of Krypton {Last Son of Krypton 3}

24.  Knightfall {Caped Crusader 3}

25.  War of the Gods{Diana of Themyscara 3}

26. New Gods

27. Justice League: Doomsday

Phase 4:

28. Shazam{My way}

29. Blue Beetle

30. Firestorm

31. Dial H

32. Girl of Steel{Kara of Krypton spin-off}

33. Cassie Sandsmark: Wonder Girl

34. Batgirl {Caped Crusader spin-off}

35. Black Canary

36. Miss Martian

37. Titans

Phase 5:

38. Red Lantern Corps{GLC spin-off}

39. Booster Gold

 40. Shazam 2


42. Man-bat{Caped Crusader spin-off}

43. Flashpoint

44. Justice League: Darkseid

Just an outline for now and based solely on my own preferences. I'll try to do as many as I can, but don't expect fics for all of these.
© 2021 - 2025 JWAPPEL

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KaijuLord100's avatar

If there is a Doomsday movie, then which one is the Reign of the Supermen movie where Superman is resurrected?