
3 min read

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juunana's avatar
Hey everyone! Hope you are all good. :heart:

I'm really busy at the moment so sorry for slow replies and lack of updates.
Thanks so much to all the people faving my stuff and commenting. I wanna thank you all personally but sorry I haven't ><. If anyone wants to talk more add me on twitter or tumblr cos I go there much more than DA these days.

Big thanks to :iconshunhades: for buying me a sub!!!:heart::heart: I'm sorry I haven't made much use of it. :lmao:

To everyone who applied for the photo book thanks so much!:heart: It was real tough choosing. A few people here will receive a note from me later this week asking for full permission and a large version of your pic.
I wish we could have included everyone T.T.

Too much I could say so I think I won't :lmao:.

Bye for now :hug:

CSS by CherieNoir. Graphics by Tzolkin, HauntingVisionsStock and Lileya.
© 2012 - 2025 juunana

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anonymous's avatar
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YasminNich's avatar
I don't have a twitter or a tumblr! :cries: