Arcane Idoljuuhanna on DeviantArt

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October 6, 2020
Arcane Idol by juuhanna
Featured by TheGalleryOfEve
Suggested by AlexanderPaupoff
juuhanna's avatar

Arcane Idol



My entry to the Wacom + DeviantArt Arcane Idol-contest! :) Submitting at the last minute, of course.

I added a smaller portion of the painting in 100% size so you can see the details, yey!
Arcane Idol Detail by juuhanna

I wanted to create a character who performs songs which she learned from an old scroll she obtained from a curious old chest.

As per the requirements of the contest, the 3 add-ons are as follows: 

Magical Talisman: 
Although not the smallest of talismans, the chest from which she discovered the scroll is always carried around wherever she goes - it did give her the scroll which made her massively popular so it must bring good luck, right...?

The Ancient scroll; she carries it with her wherever she goes, it contains the songs she is so well known for, but somehow despite their beauty and appeal the songs also create a nervous and restless feeling in the listener's hearts... no-one seems to be able to put their finger onto why it is so, though.
And whenever someone tries to take a closer look at the scroll or even asks about it, the Idol gets strangely nervous and aggressively protective of it. She does not feel quite like herself in those moments.

She has golden epaulets in her outfit which repeat the curious symbol of the old scroll - she found it so intriguing that she could not resist adopting it as her personal logo. 

As for her background; she was an ordinary merchant dealing dull everyday items, buying whole contents of houses left by their deceased owners, until on one lucky (?) day she bought a lot that contained a perfectly mundane chest that turned out to have very interesting contents. ;) The origins of the scroll and the chest are unknown.
Image size
784x1200px 1.61 MB
© 2020 - 2025 juuhanna
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