Rainbow Dash vs. Sonicjuug on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juug/art/Rainbow-Dash-vs-Sonic-284121165juug

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Rainbow Dash vs. Sonic



EDIT: Sorry I had to delete and reupload this bacause the Edit feature is currently crapping out.

Well this is my latest submission after FINALLY getting Adobe to working on my laptop. I'm trying out a new style my teacher demo'ed. This picture is for my friends in my circle who keep bugging me about this since I'm a Sonic Fan. This AND the arguement below is for you. You all know who your are.


Well since everyone in my circle of friends here in college has done a MLP picture of some description, I figured I’ll toss my one contribution to the pot. I decided to do a picture of this fan made rivalry between Sonic the Hedgehog and Rainbow Dash. I am of the aware of the debate on who is faster between the two and I’ll give my opinion on what I think. Keep in mind that this is my opinion which may or may not differ from yours. What I say is based on my observations. I AM a Sonic fan to death but I’ll try to be impartial. I have done my research. I can back this up.
First I’ll go ahead and say who I believe will win in a race between the two. In a FAIR race between the two, Sonic will win without question. Now before you all throw s*** storms at me let me explain my reasoning.

- The Sonic Rainboom is not a Mach 10 maneuver. I did my research and that technique is only a Mach 1-2 move. It only breaks the sound barrier. Sonic can do that too with all three of his trademark speed boosts which are the Spin Dash, Peel Out, and Sonic Boost.
- Dash has to make a large effort to do the Rainboom to reach her max speed. It’s enough stress to make her almost cry. Plus the Rainboom is Gravity assisted. Sonic meanwhile can routinely breaks the sound barrier without any assistance and without losing momentum.
- Sonic has traverse through entire cities in seconds. Through the cities. He has traveled across the world in minutes for fun just to see how much faster he’s gotten. Dash can only do a single race in that time let alone a planet run.
- Sonic has far more experience at traveling at supersonic speeds than Dash and get to his max speed almost instantly with his Sonic Boost. Dash needs the Rainboom to get to max speed but it take a lot of time and lost momentum before she can pull it off which she has done only twice.
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Hell no,sonic is faster than gay dash